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时间:2019-01-07 17:27来源:毕业论文

摘要:20 世纪 90 年代以来,信息技术飞速发展,互联网的运用得以推广,给人类的政治、经济、文化、生活带来了翻天覆地的变化。在商务方面,互联网以其自身的特点彻底打破了传统的交易方式,颠覆了人们陈旧的贸易观念,开拓了崭新的贸易途径,形成了一种特殊的新型交易模式——电子商务。32383
 Current situation and mode of agricultural electronic commerce
Abstract: Since 1990s, the rapid development of information technology, the use of the Internet to promote human political,economic,cultural,life has brought enormous changes. In business terms,the Internet with its own characteristics of completely breaking the traditional transaction methods,subverts the old trade ideas,has opened up new trade routes, developed a special new trading patterns —— E-commerce.
Our agriculture is the primary industry of the country,a wide variety of agricultural products,resources are very rich. However,because China has a vast population,formed a small-scale,decentralized production of basic planting pattern,and agricultural production needs with light,water,soil and other natural conditions,the majority of agricultural products are not easy to store, coupled with our relatively weak cold chain logistics technology, these external factors to the circulation of agricultural products brought great obstruction,hampered China's agriculture developed. However,the emergence of e-commerce good agricultural eased the embarrassment of small production and big market,it will be very good together modern information technology and traditional business methods,by virtue of the timely,fast, convenient and cost Low advantages for solving problems occurring in the circulation of agricultural products made a very good solution.
Key Words: Agricultural products; Electronic commerce; Mode selection.
目     录
一、 农业电子商务研究的概况    1
(一) 研究背景    1
(二) 文献综述    1
(三) 研究目的与意义    2
二、 农业电子商务内涵与发展意义    3
(一) 农业电子商务的内涵    3
(二) 农业电子商务的发展意义    3
三、 我国发展农业电子商务 SWOT 分析    6
(一) 优势分析    6
(二) 劣势分析    7
(三) 机遇分析    9
(四) 挑战分析    10
四、 发展农业电子商务的模式选择    10
(一) 具有代表性的农业电子商务模式简介    11
(二) 农业电子商务的发展趋势    13
(三) 未来农业电子商务交易的特性    14
(四) 农业电子商务模式的选择    15
五、 总结    17
参考文献    1 我国农业电子商务发展现状与模式研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_28928.html