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时间:2018-10-20 17:09来源:毕业论文

Impact of population aging on the economy
Abstract: The aging of the population has already become a kind of state of population development in today's world. Changes in the age structure of the population has affected people's daily life and formed extensive and profound influence. Aging population has become an important problem that has attracted more and more attention from all over the world. China as the largest developing country in the world, it is still not enough in the social productivity. Under the background of economy and the development has not been sound, the problem of the aging of the population will inevitably bring the profound serious influence to the social and economic. In this paper, we analyzed the present situation and development trend of population aging in China. China's population is aging fast, large scale, labor resources and labor force aging characteristics. The paper discusses the speed of aging population of our country economy development, and the influence to savings, tax, labour and the third industry. Finally in order to accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, it is essential to establish biased investment policy of the elderly population and to population aging disadvantages to some extent transformation for ease of domestic labor resources shortage, labor pension population pressure problem.
Key words:population, aging, economy, study, policy
一、引言    1
(一) 研究背景    1
(二)文献综述    1
(三) 研究意义    2
二、现阶段人口老龄化的特点    3
(一) 老年人口规模大,老龄化速度快    3
(二)劳动人口高龄化    4
三、人口老龄化对经济的影响    4
(一)人口老龄化对经济发展速度的影响    4
(二) 人口老龄化对社会的储蓄及税收的影响    5
(三)人口老龄化对劳动力资源的影响    6
(四)人口老龄化对产业结构的影响    10
四、应对人口老龄化的经济策略    13
(一)产业结构的优化升级    13
(二)建立多元化投资体系,加强老龄产业化建设    15
五、结论    17
参考文献    19
     (一) 研究背景
欧美发达国家首先进入人口老龄化阶段,同时其相关学者对人口老龄化的经济影响也进行了长期的研究。随着中国人口结构的持续变动,我国人口现状也被国内学术研究人员深入研究。上世纪八十年代,我国人口数量规模庞大,学者们着重研究人口规模对经济增长的效应;然而到了90年代,国家计划生育政策对人口结构的影响逐渐显现出来。本世纪初我国就步入了老龄化,学者们也分析出我国的经济增长将被人口规模深深影响。 论人口老龄化的经济影响+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_24610.html