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时间:2024-06-04 22:08来源:95532



Research on the Development of Jiangsu Manufacturing Industry under Low-Carbon Economy

Abstract:With the continuous fermentation of global climate,low-carbon economy development has attracted more and more attention and become a major trend in the world of academic research and policy formulation.It has aroused widespread concern in the international community.Jiangsu Province has already taken active measures to deal with environmental problems and developed low-carbon economy.The manufacturing industry of Jiangsu must realize the sustainable development and decline the development path of low-carbon economy.Energy saving and emission reduction is bound to a route to pursue.This paper analyzed the current situation of the development of low-carbon economy in the world and the current situation of the development of manufacturing industry of Jiangsu Province in the global tide of the low-carbon economy,the existing problems and research on development strategy of Jiangsu manufacturing industry in the future and put forward feasible suggestions.

Keywords: low-carbon economy;manufacturing industry;low-carbon emission; independent innovation


0引言 1

1低碳经济的内涵及发展现状 2

1.1低碳经济的基本内涵 2

1.1.1低碳经济的概念 2

1.1.2低碳经济的特点 2

1.2低碳经济在世界范围的发展情况 3

1.2.1低碳经济在欧美国家的发展 3

1.2.2低碳经济在中国的发展 4

2江苏省制造业发展现状 5

2.1江苏省制造业经济总量稳固发展 5

2.2高新技术产业规模迅速扩大 5

2.3产业集聚初现 6

3低碳经济下江苏省制造业发展中存在的问题 7

3.1发展模式粗放 7

3.2自主创新能力有待提高 7

3.3产业集中度不高,产能过剩问题严重 8

3.4缺乏相关制度保障,法律法规不健全 8

4低碳经济下江苏省制造业发展策略的思考 9

4.1政府角度 9

4.2企业角度 10

结论 12

致谢 13

参考文献 14



低碳经济是以低污染、低能耗为基础的一种新型经济发展体系,它的主要目的是减少碳排放。随着世界经济的不断发展,生态环境受到了极大的污染,如今,低碳经济已基本成为全世界的共识和潮流,各国越来越重视低碳经济的建设和环境的保护。低碳经济是国际和国内经济发展的新模式,是全人类应对气候变化、实现经济可持续发展的必由之路[1]。除了控制碳排放,低碳经济发展模式预示着重大的能源,并将从根本上改变企业的生产方式以及人们的生活方式。 低碳经济下江苏制造业发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_204112.html
