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时间:2024-05-29 22:07来源:95400



Study Of OFDI And Trade  Relations

Abstract:The financial crisis in 2008 is a cut-off point of our foreign trade. Since the socialist market economy to determine, after joined the wto in 2001, until 2008 before the financial crisis, our country foreign trade to achieve the high speed development. However, after the financial crisis, China's foreign trade is, in 2009 alone China's foreign trade volume less than last year nearly $200 billion. Although in recent years, our country government practices "introduction" and "going out" strategy of combining fruitful, but have to say that the financial crisis impact on China's foreign trade is very big still.Foreign direct investment and export trade is the important way for the development of international trade, especially the rapid development in recent years, China's foreign direct investment and trade.Therefore, research the relationship between OFDI and export trade as an important content of China's foreign trade development, through the analysis of relationship can contact OFDI and the problem in the export trade in our country, the more pertinent Suggestions to promote the development of China's foreign trade.

Key words:OFDI;Export trade;Relations analysis;Problems and suggestions


1引言 1

2.中国对外直接投资发展情况 2

2.1OFDI简述 2

2.2中国对外直接投资的发展分析 2

2.3中国对外直接投资的结构分析 4

3.中国对外贸易的发展情况 6

3.1中国对外贸易的发展历程 6

3.2中国对外贸易结构分析 7

4.OFDI与贸易的关系 10

4.1OFDI与贸易关系的理论分析 10

4.2OFDI与贸易关系的实证分析 12

5.中国对外直接投资和贸易发展的问题和建议 15

5.1中国对外直接投资和贸易发展中存在的问题 15

5.2中国对外直接投资和贸易发展的建议 17

结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21



改革开放三十多年来,我国对外贸易取得了辉煌成果,已经成为世界上最大的对外货物贸易的国家。但金融危机之后,我国对外贸易出现增长乏力,呈放缓的态势。随着全球化经济的发展脚步不断加大,我国企业的对外直接投资得到了长远发展,OFDI与进出口贸易的关系也越来越密切。所以在经济全球化下,研究OFDI与贸易的关系势在必行。 OFDI与贸易的关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_204065.html
