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时间:2018-07-04 21:22来源:毕业论文

摘要:在“互联网+”时代,携程网迎来了高速发展的黄金时期,携程网在线旅游商业模式同样也迎来作出转变的契机。在近 20年的发展期间,携程网既获得了井喷式的发展和规模扩张,也经历了不可枚举的考验,危机与机遇并存。携程网在线旅游商业模式并不是一成不变的,应当应时而变,持续为在线旅游商业模式注入源源不断的活力。本文首先分析了携程网在线旅游商业模式的基本概况,并简要介绍了在线旅游商业模式的创新点。本文通过对携程网进行专业的 SWOT 分析得到对其全面而深入的认识,得出目前在线旅游商业模式存在瑕疵和缺陷的结论。最后,本文分析了携程网在线旅游商业模式存在的诸多问题,并提出极具建议的解决对策,以帮助携程网能够作出适应形势和市场的变化,持续获得利润增长点。携程网必须重视客户的意见和建议,推出适应市场需求的旅游产品及服务,不断改进商业模式,才有可能立于不败之地。25189
Discussion on the Online Travel Business Model Based on Ctrip
Abstract:In the "Internet +" era, Ctrip ushered in the rapid development of the golden age, Ctrip
online travel business model ushered in the opportunity to change as well.During the past 20 years of
development,Ctrip has acquired both the big development and scale expansion,and has gone through an
numerous test.The crisis and the opportunity coexist. Ctrip online travel business model is not immutable.It
should change from time to time.Ctrip needs to keep the online travel business model vibrant.This paper
firstly analyzes the basic situation of online travel business model of Ctrip travel network,and briefly
introduces the innovation of online tourism business model.Through the professional SWOT analysis of
Ctrip,this paper gets a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Ctrip.Besides,this paper finds out
flaws and defects of the current online tourism business model.Finally, this paper analyzes the problems
existing in the online tourism business model of Ctrip,puts forward the constructive countermeasures to
help Ctrip adapt to the changes of the situation and the market,and earn the growth point of profit.Ctrip
must pay attention to customers’ comments and suggestions,develop tourism products and services to meet
the needs of the market,and constantly improve the Ctrip online business model, which may make the Ctrip
online model invincible.
Key words: CTRIP;business model;travel
目 录
Key words1
二、携程网在线旅游商业模式的概述. 1
(一)在线旅游市场的商业模式. 2
(二)携程旅行网在线旅游商业模式的基本概述. 2
三、携程网针对固有商业模式的创新. 3
(二)独立餐饮品牌——“携程美食林”. 3
(三)创新的旅游保障产品和服务. 4
四、针对携程网的SWOT分析. 4
五、携程网存在的问题. 6
(一)携程对商务人群以外的消费者欠缺关注. 6
(二)携程旅行网的商业模式可复制性强. 6
(四)携程旅行网机票预订业务风波不断. 7
优尔、携程网应采取的对策. 7
(一)深耕各层次客户,提供全品类产品和服务. 7
(二)持续开发创新,确保携程模式独特性. 7
(三)完善佣金制度,规范产品排序. 7
(四)加强对机票和票务代理商的监管. 8
(五)全力开发目的地游8 基于携程网在线旅游商业模式的探讨:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_18845.html