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时间:2018-07-04 20:30来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:蔬菜 生鲜农产品 网络营销 天猫网
Analysis on the Status Quo、Problems and Countermeasures of Fresh Vegetables Online Marketing——Take Tmall as example
Student majoring in E-commerce  Chen shan
 Tutor     Shen Jianfen
Abstract: With the popularity of the Internet higher and higher, the growing scale of agricultural products e-business stronger , buying food online has gradually gone into the lives of ordinary people, online shopping vegetable heat is also getting higher and higher. However, there are still some problems in the network marketing of fresh vegetables, which are different from traditional marketing. In order to find out the current situation and existing problems of the network marketing of fresh vegetables, this paper makes a survey and analysis of the fresh vegetables products and shops on Tmall. And found out the high sales of products and shops, in-depth analysis, summed up the means of network marketing of fresh vegetables, given how to better optimize the network marketing of fresh vegetables, and refining the main points.
Keywords: vegetables  fresh agricultural products  online marketing  Tmall
 目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Keywords    1
一.引言    2
(一)生鲜蔬菜网络营销的含义    2
(二)研究背景    2
(三)研究意义    3
二、 文献综述    3
(一)国外的研究现状    3
(二)国内的研究现状    4
(三)总结    4
三、 天猫网生鲜蔬菜网络营销现状调查分析    4
(一)产品调查    4
(二)店铺调查    6
(三)天猫网的生鲜蔬菜的营销手段    7
1.软营销    7
2.关系营销    8
3.多渠道宣传营销    8
四、生鲜蔬菜网络营销存在的问题    8
(一)生鲜蔬菜本身的特点局限性    8
(二)网络基础设施问题    8
(三)技术与能力问题    8
(四)物流体系问题    8
(五)产品单一问题    9
(优尔)信用问题    9
五、对策与建议    9
(一)明确定位    9
(二)建立品牌    10
(三)重视页面设计    10
(四)注重产品包装    10
(五)保证服务质量    10
(优尔)完善配送体系    10
致  谢    11
参考文献    11
蔬菜的网络营销可以形象地描述为鼠标加大白菜式的营销,它包括了在线搜索、比价议价、交易、售后服务等环节。是一种在互联网上开展营销活动的新模式。蔬菜的网络营销广义的概念是指在蔬菜的营销过程中,利用互联网技术,将电子商务系统、蔬菜的生产基地与物流配送系统相结合,増进顾客关系、改善顾客服务、最终扩大销售,也就是一种以互联网为载体的营销活动。狭义的概念是指利用互联网进行蔬菜的销售,仅指蔬菜的网络销售环节,不涉及蔬菜生产和物流配送等环节。本文主要讨论的是广义的蔬菜网络营销,包括从蔬菜的生产到物流配送到售后服务的全部环节。 天猫网生鲜蔬菜网络营销的现状存在的问题与对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_18810.html