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时间:2023-06-07 21:48来源:毕业论文

网络旅游经济背景下旅游者行为分析与业态创新研究Study on tourist tourism economy under the background of network behavior analysis and industry innovation


Abstract:Analysis of tourists buying behavior, purchase way, tourism information channels, service transformation, tourism industry should understand the needs of tourists in the development of network technology support, with the times change explored a new tourism mode, the formation of tourism industry innovation。 The new tourism industry based on Internet technology, mobile payment system of traditional tourism has convenient and wide coverage and other characteristics, but also exist in the current network of tourism supervision mechanism is not perfect and the network legal system is not standard enough。 This paper studies the relationship between the behavior of tourists and the innovation of the format, and finds out the problems and the gaps in the research on the behavior of the consumers in the online tourism。 To find the lack of tourism management。


Key words: internet tourism; tourist behavior ;format innovation


一、 旅游者消费方式分析 4

(一)旅游者购买行为和购买方式的转变背景 4

(二)旅游者购买行为和购买方式的转变 5

1、旅游消费者行为 5

(1)消费者 5

(2)旅游消费者行为 5

(3)消费心理活动过程 5

2、旅游者购买行为和购买方式 6

3、旅游者购买行为的转变 6

(三)旅游信息获得方式的转变 6

(四)服务的转变 7

二、 网络消费者行为与业态创新相结合 7

(一)供给与需求 7

(二)传统旅游与网络旅游消费行为 8

(三)消费者行为与业态创新 8

三、 网络时代旅游营销模式 8

(一)网络旅游经济模式的兴起 9

(二)新旅游业态 9

1、创新业态的概念 9

2、网络旅游电子商务平台 9

(1)OTA(Online Travel Agent) 9

(2) B2C(business to consumer) 9

(3)B2B((business to business) 10

(三)“旅行社+互联网”模式 网络旅游经济背景下旅游者行为分析与业态创新研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_174499.html
