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时间:2022-12-15 22:04来源:毕业论文



Analysis on the similarity of industrial structure in Jiangsu Province


Industrial structure is one of the most important aspects in the economic structure, and it is also the most important problem to deal with in the adjustment of the economic structure 。 Jiangsu is one of the fastest developing cities in China, whose industrial structure is transforming gradually。 However, with the decentralization of the market reform, local government carries on the duplicated construction, regardless of the local advantages。 Industrial structure convergence, which has become the main problem during the development of the economic and society, becoming worse and worse。 This paper analyses the industrial structure of cities in Jiangsu, based on the output of three industries of Jiangsu。 In the course of the study, we can have an idea of industrial structure of cities in Jiangsu。 According to the results, we can have a learn of  the degree of convergence and take corresponding actions to reduce the similarity of industrial structure, making the development of economic normal。

Keywords: Jiangsu province; thrice industries; convergence of industrial structure


0 引言 1

1 江苏省产业结构现状分析 1

1。1 江苏省产业结构概况 1

1。2 江苏省产业结构趋同的背景 4

2 江苏省产业结构趋同的测量分析 4

2。1 江苏省产业同构的测量方法 4

2。2 江苏省产业同构的测量结果 5

2。3 产业结构趋同对经济发展的影响 7

3 江苏省产业结构趋同形成的原因 9

3。1 政府驱动型产业结构趋同形成的原因分析 9

3。2 市场驱动型产业结构趋同形成的原因分析 11

4 江苏省产业结构优化建议 11

4。1 完善市场机制,实现区域间的有效竞争 12

4。2 明确政府职能 12

4。3 减少政绩考核的影响,立足于发展本地经济 13

4。4 发展各地区的比较优势,实行错位发展 13

结论 16

致谢 17

参考文献 18



自改革开放以来,学术各界对于“产业结构趋同” 、“重复建设”等问题的讨论日益热烈,对于这些现象带来的影响是好是坏大家看法也不尽一致。我国历史上公认的大规模重复建设有两次,第一次是上个世纪80年代,各地大规模重复投资家用电器生产;第二次是上个世纪90年代则是大规模投资生产汽车。这个世纪以来,在大家走出“非典”这个艰难时期后,在部分产业方面又开始出现了重复建设。论文网 江苏省产业结构相似性的分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_110242.html
