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时间:2022-12-15 21:51来源:毕业论文



Development Review and Issue Discussion of the Canton Fair

AbstractMinistry of Commerce pointed out that the exhibition industry plays an important role in promoting China's industrial restructuring and accelerating the transformation of economic development mode and so on。 Canton Fair acts as the leading exhibition in the exhibition industry and its development has been widespread concerned。 This paper firstly studies the origin, development history and present situation of the Canton Fair and predict the trends of the Canton Fair, then, analyzes the main problems currently exist in Canton Fair in terms of the external environment, the quality of services, government behavior and exhibitors angles。 According to these problems, the paper puts forward feasible several development recommendations such as improving the service quality, changing from government-led to market-oriented, insisting on the road of green development and so on, to enhance the competitiveness of the Canton Fair, guide the Canton Fair even the entire exhibition industry develop healthily and orderly and build it into an international exhibition brand。

Keywords: Canton Fair; exhibition industry; international trade


0 引言 1

1 广交会的起源和发展综述 1

1。1 广交会的起源 1

1。2 广交会的发展历程 2

1。3 广交会的重大作用 5

1。4 广交会的发展现状 7

1。5 广交会的发展趋势 10

2 目前广交会存在的问题及原因分析 11

2。1 外部环境方面 11

2。2 服务质量方面 12

2。3 政府行为方面 13

2。4 参展企业方面 16

3 进一步发展广交会的对策建议 16

3。1 巩固“中国第一展”地位 16

3。2 提升服务品质 18

3。3 政府主导逐步向市场化转变 20

3。4 推动企业转型升级 22

3。5 坚持绿色发展道路 23

结    论 26

致    谢 27

参考文献 28


0 引言

广交会,又名广州交易会,全称是中国进出口商品交易会,英文名Canton Fair。广交会于1957年春在广州成立,此后每年的春秋季节均定期在广州举行,距今已有59年的历史,与目前中国的其他展会相比,具有历史最悠久、规模最宏大、层次最高、信誉最佳、参展商品种类最齐全、与会客商人数最多、国别地区分布最广且商品成交效果最好等特点[1]。广交会是一项综合性的国际贸易盛会,在我国外贸史以及会展史上占据着举足轻重的地位,享有“中国第一展”的美誉。论文网 广交会的发展综述及问题探讨:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_110238.html
