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时间:2024-03-28 22:04来源:毕业论文

摘  要:由于各种不同版本的地理教材体现出不同的教学路径,逐年提高的中学地理教学要求越来越严苛,学生通常在学习的过程中极易与生物,科学等学科混淆,因此本论文从地理教材分析的路径研究为切入点,并以人教版高中地理必修三为例。94940




ABSTRACT In recent years, various versions of the geography textbook presents the teaching path is not the same, for the middle school geography teaching requirements are also increasing year by year, students are in the process of learning is easily confused with other categories, this paper from the analysis on the path of the hereby geography textbooks as the starting point, and the PEP high school geography compulsory three as an example。

There are three major requirements for the compulsory course in the curriculum standard: the application of geographical environment and human activities, regional sustainable development and geographic information technology ()。 Regional geographical environment and human activities focus on the basic theory of regional development。 Regional sustainable development is the core content, is the implementation of all sustainable development research results and inspection。 The application of geographic information technology is the support system of regional development research, and it is also the research method and technical support for the development of geographical science。

Compulsory 3 teaching must lead the students to learn the principles of the analysis of specific regional problems, so that students feel the link between knowledge。 For example, the analysis of the causes of desertification can be related to the integrity of the natural geographical environment in compulsory 1, and the factors that affect the industrial transfer can be related to the changes of the location factors of the industry。

Compulsory 3 knowledge content is complex, involving some of the geographical knowledge of the geographical knowledge, teaching should be chosen, do not exhaustive。 In order to extract useful knowledge and value knowledge, it is the basis of compulsory 3 teaching。

Keywords:High school geography, regional environment, optimization

目  录

1  引 言 4

2  绪论 4

2。1 研究背景 4

2。2 适应高中地理教育改革新趋势 4

2。3 顺应区域地理学的发展 5

2。4 迎接高考改革的挑战 6

3  人教版高中地理-必修三教材分析 6

3。1 教材分析研究的框架 6

3。2 基于整体性高中地理必修三教材路径分析 7

3。2。1时代背景分析 7

3。2。2整体分析 8

3。3 基于部分性高中地理必修三教材路径分析 9

3。3。1单元结构分析 地理教材分析的路径研究以人教版高中地理必修三为例:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_203072.html
