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时间:2024-03-26 21:55来源:毕业论文

【摘  要】小学数学反思性教学是促进小学数学教师专业化成长以及促进教学发展的重要手段。本文在研究小学数学教师反思性教学的内容的基础上,从反思性教学的意义和特征出发,对小学数学教师自身教育实践的现状进行分析,研究了影响小学数学教师进行反思性教学的因素,概括出教育教学观念落后、缺乏训练,没有养成反思的好习惯以及反思内容不全面,反思渠道狭隘等问题。最后提出要形成先进的教育教学观念,练习写教学随笔,养成反思的好习惯,善于捕捉教学中有价值的教学案例进行研究,学会与同事或者校际交流以及会利用学生的反馈信息来拓宽反思渠道这些建设性的策略,以帮助小学数学教师提升反思性教学能力。94888



Abstract:Reflective teaching of primary school mathematics is an important means to promote the growth of primary school mathematics teachers' professional growth and promote the development of teaching。 This paper analyses the current situation of the primary school mathematics teachers' educational practice, starting from the significance of reflective teaching, characteristic and content, study the affecting factors of primary school mathematics teachers' reflective teaching, summed up with the concept of teaching, lack of training, don't make a habit of reflection and reflection of the content is not comprehensive reflection on these points, narrow channels。 Finally, the formation of advanced education teaching idea, teaching practice to write essays, good habits, good at capturing the value of reflective teaching in the teaching of case study and learn with colleagues or exchange and will use the feedback from students to broaden the channels of the reflection some constructive suggestions, to help the primary school mathematics teachers to enhance reflection teaching ability。

Kesyword:Primary mathematics, teachers, reflective teaching

目  录

1  前言 …………………………………………………………………………3

2  小学数学教师反思性教学的内容 …………………………………………3

2。1  反思教育理念和教学设计 ………………………………………………3

2。2  反思课堂教学 ……………………………………………………………3

2。3  反思课后总结 ……………………………………………………………4

3  小学数学教师反思性教学的意义和特征 …………………………………5

3。1  小学数学教师反思性教学的意义 ………………………………………5

3。2  小学数学教师反思性教学的特征 ………………………………………5

4  小学数学教师反思性教学现状   …………………………………………6

5  影响小学数学教师反思性教学的因素 ……………………………………7 小学数学教师反思性教学影响因素和建设策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_203006.html
