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时间:2024-03-02 21:17来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The new curriculum standard has always been one of the important basis for the preparation of teaching materials and teachers' teaching objectives。 So, how to combine the new curriculum standards so that the sophomore students can master the most basic Chinese characters with the least time, the fastest speed and the highest efficiency Is the ultimate goal of our educators。 As the normal medium of primary school students' learning students, the order of Chinese characters is the object that we must pay attention to。 2011 version of the new curriculum standards Appendix 4 "literacy, writing teaching basic table" gives the 300 words as the first section of textbooks in the teaching of literacy teaching an important reference。 In this paper, the number of Chinese characters in the text of the primary school language of the Soviet version of the text of the text of the number of statistics, the highest frequency of three hundred words and the new curriculum standard Appendix 4 "basic word table" in the comparison of three hundred words to explore its consistency , And for the preparation of teaching materials and teachers to make reasonable recommendations。

Keywords:raw words,basic word table,frequency,rationality

目  录

1 引言 4

2  研究过程 4

2。1  统计方法 4

2。2  研究步骤 5

2。3  统计所得苏教版小学语文课文正文部分汉字出现次数多的前三百字 5

3  结论及建议 8

3。1  结论 8

3。1。1  2011版新课标附录四的“基本字表”比较合理的反映出小学阶段课来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 文用字的高频字 8

3。1。2  “基本字表”和“高频字前三百”重合率较高 9

3。2  建议 10

3。2。1  教师教学方面的建议 10

3。2。2  教材编写方面的建议 10

3。2。3  其他建议 10

结 语 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

附 录 14

1  引言

“在我国的语文教学史上,识字教学历来是教育开始阶段的一个重点。汉字是世界古文字中唯一一个流传至今的文字,是我们中华民族悠久文化的传统的根基所在。”所以,古有句云:人生聪明识字始。学者郭沫若也曾经说:识字是一切探求的第一步。以上都表明“识字、写字”在现代教育进程中对学生的重要性。一年级语文教学的首要任务就是拼音和识字,因为识字教学既是语文教学的起点,也是学生学习的基础。有学者说“识字、认字不仅直接关联到义务阶段的教育水平、影响全民族的文化科学素质”,我认为更重要的是,它影响着一个生命对语言的兴趣,对语文的兴趣,对文学等兴趣。在我的观念里,识字写字的本质,往深了说,是塑造一个新的灵魂对中华民族文化的“根”的兴趣。 从苏教版小学语文课文中汉字出现的频率初探识字写字教学基本字表的合理性:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_202465.html
