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时间:2024-01-06 10:30来源:毕业论文

摘 要:小学语文具有工具性和人文性相统一的特性。在新课程秉承“以学生发展为主”的理念,呼唤有活力的课堂的背景下,有些小学低年级语文课堂过于倚重工具性而忽视人文性,忽视了学生的童真、童心、童趣,缺乏生机和活力,过于一般化、成人化、模式化,学生感到枯燥无味,这对学生的培养极其不利。如何让儿童味儿回归小学语文课堂,真正走进儿童内心深处,是当前小学低年级语文教育要重点解决的问题。基于当前小学低年级语文从童趣教学视角而提出问题,并分析其成因,探寻解决问题的策略。本文以期为小学低年级语文童趣教学提供一些参考。92594


Abstract:The language of primary school has the characteristic of the unity of tool and humanity。 Adhering to the "student development oriented" concept in the new curriculum, for the vitality of the classroom under the background of some primary school lower grade Chinese class rely too heavily on the tool and ignore the human nature, ignoring the students' innocence, innocence, innocence, lack of vigor and vitality, too general, adult, mode, students feel the cultivation of students' dull as ditch water, is extremely unfavorable。 How to "children's characteristics, the taste of childhood" return to primary school Chinese classroom, really into the hearts of children, is the current primary school lower grade Chinese education should focus on solving the problem。 Based on the current Chinese teaching from the perspective of low grade primary school children and ask questions, and analyze the causes and explore the countermeasures to solve the problem。 In this paper, in order to provide some reference for Chinese teaching of lower grades in primary school children。

Keywords:primary school Chinese,playful teaching,present situation,reason,strategy


1  前言3

2  小学低年级语文童趣教学的现状3

2。1  童心流失3

2。2  教占主位4

2。3  手段单一4

2。4  作业机械5

2。5  评价单调5

3  小学低年级语文教学童趣缺失的原因5

3。1  长期应试教育的束缚5

3。2  教师职业倦怠的困扰5

3。3  家长成龙变凤的重负6

4  小学低年级语文童趣教学的策略6

4。1  教学观念上的童心保护6

4。2  教学内容的童趣性强化7

4。3  教学过程的童趣性凸显7

4。4  教学评价的童趣性倾向8

4。5  课后作业的童趣性延伸8

结  论10



1  前言来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766


小学语文教学对儿童发展起着极其重要的作用,直接触及儿童的母语。小学语文童趣教学是指根据小学生个性特点,在教学中加入儿童喜闻乐见的童趣元素,从而达到高效学习、快乐学习的教学目的,改变教师以往的生硬呆板的形象,树立“俯身为儿童”的意识,与学生同学同乐,营造和谐、平等、自由的学习气氛。[ ]


在小学低年级语文教学中如何释放学生的天性,满足学生心理需求,提高学生心理素质,培养个性化,促进学生快乐学习,从机械的学习中脱离出来;促进教师快乐教学,提高教学艺术;营造童趣化的课堂氛围,提高教学质量等等,这是笔者研究的目的所在。 小学低年级语文童趣教学研究童心未泯以趣激学:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_200290.html
