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时间:2023-07-16 17:09来源:毕业论文

摘    要随着新课程改革的推进,学生的主体性地位越来越受到重视。前置性学习作为语文学习的第一个环节,它的现状也越来越受到大家的关注。前置性学习充分体现了生本理念,强调了学生的主体地位。前置性学习的质量也影响到后续一系列学习的效果。89374



Abstract With the advance of the new curriculum reform, the main body of students becoming more and more attention。 Pre-learning as the first part of language learning, which status quo also takes more and more people's attention。 Pre-learning students fully reflects this philosophy, emphasizing the dominant position of students'。 Pre-Learning quality also affects the subsequent effect of a series of learning。

The paper, based on the results of previous studies, to learn the status quo of the Hangzhou primary language pre-learning quantitative research。 First, sort out the theory, the pre-defined concepts of learning。 Secondly, the use of self-designed questionnaire to a primary school in Hangzhou conducted a survey of the status quo of Chinese pre-learning。 Survey mainly from the attitude of pre-learning, the contents of the pre-leaning, the learning style of pre-learning and the system of pre-leaning。 Then summarize the results of the survey reflect: There inappropriate content and set schedules, students themselves detect link needs to be strengthened, high rise student autonomy has not yet fully formed, and the lack of school section and adapted instructor。 To solve these problems and proposed countermeasures, namely, strengthening guidance and learning segment detection and feedback, teachers and ultimately the formation of the corresponding longitudinal system。

Keyword: Pre-learning; Primary language 

目    录

摘    要 2

Abstract 3

一、引言 5

(一)研究背景 5

(二)研究价值 6

二、文献综述和理论基础 7

(一)概念界定 7

(二)研究现状 7

(三)理论基础 9

三、研究方法和过程 11

(一)研究方法 11

(二)研究过程 11

四、数据的整理来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 与分析 13

(一)对前置性学习的态度与认识 13

1。对语文前置性学习的态度 13

2。对语文前置性学习价值的认识 杭州市小学语文前置性学习现状调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_186069.html
