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时间:2023-06-04 19:53来源:毕业论文
The Effects of Self-control Training on Students’ English Performance at Senior High School,英语论文自控力训练对高中生英语表现的影响研究

The Effects of Self-control Training on Students’ English Performance at  Senior High School

Abstract Since Gaokao Reform has been put into practice, English is gradually excluded from the final college entrance examination, which emphasizes more efforts should be paid on self-learning。 As a significant component of self-learning, self-control is being discussed in various fields at home and abroad, including education, psychology, and etc。 However, the majority of the researches focused on the general relationship between self-control and students’ academic performance。 It is rare to find any essays talking about the connection between self-control and students’ English performance, which is the main purpose of this study。 In order to find out the factors influencing English learning and the effect of self-control training on students’ English performance at senior high school, we invited 181 participants from Huzhou Senior High School for this research。As research instruments, questionnaire and tests including pretest and posttest are applied to make our research more persuasive。 After one-month of self-control training, we came to three general  conclusions:88915

1。 Learning motivation and methods, self-control and external environment are the major factors which influence students’ English learning; 2。Self-control training has a positive effect on students’ English performance at senior high school; 3。 self-control training helps students build up optimistic personalities and more importantly, helps them to avoid the interference of the external environment。 Therefore, it is essential to apply self-control training for students’ English learning at senior high school。

Keywords: self-control; self-control training; English performance; senior high school students;


摘要自从高考改革实施以来,英语学科逐渐退出了统一高考,这一现象强调了自我学习的重要性。自控 力,作为自我学习的重要组成部分,得到了国内外许多领域的研究探讨,包括教育学、心理学等等。然    而, 大多数研究都重点关注自控力和学生学习表现之间的总体关系,对于自控力和英语表现之间联系 研究较少。 因此,本文目的为从更深的层面讨论自控力和英语表现之间的关系。为了找出影响英语学 习的因素和自控力训练对高中生英语表现的影响,我们邀请了湖州中学 181 名学生作为本次实验的参与 者。 同时,本实验应用了调查问卷和前测后测对照实验两种研究工具和方法确保实验更具有可靠性。 经过了一个月的自控力训练,我们得出三个基本结论:1。 学习动机和学习方法、自控力以及外部环境 是影响英语学习的主要因素; 2。 自控力训练对高中生英语学习具有积极作用; 3。 自控力训练能培养 学生积极向上的性格,更重要的是能帮助学生克服外在环境对学习的干扰。因此,将自控力训练运用到 英语学习环境中至关重要。 源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766

毕业论文关 键 词:自控力;自控力训练;英语成绩;高中生


1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background of the study 1

1。2 Layout of the paper 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 Self-control 2

2。1。1 The concept of self-control 自控力训练对高中生英语表现的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_173541.html
