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时间:2023-06-01 22:56来源:毕业论文
中班幼儿自主性游戏中同伴交往的研究。组织以“合作”为主题的自主性游戏;加强 家园合作,促进幼儿的同伴交往能力的发展

摘 要同伴交往在中班幼儿的社会性发展过程中影响重大。自主性游戏是中班幼儿同伴交往的 主要形式。根据对于中班幼儿在自主性游戏中的同伴交往行为情况的观察和分析,得到以下 结论:同伴交往能力的两极分化现象较为严重;幼儿在不同区域的同伴交往频率不同;同性 间的同伴交往多于异性;性别会影响同伴交往方式。进一步研究分析得出影响中班幼儿在自 主性游戏中的同伴交往的因素:游戏环境、幼儿个人特征、教师教育方法以及家庭教育。研 究者对中班幼儿在自主性游戏中的同伴交往能力的培养提出以下策略:为幼儿创设轻松、自 在的游戏环境,提供充足充分的游戏材料;面向全体,关注个别差异;教师要抓住契机,适 时介入,加强交往技能指导;关注中班关键期,组织以“合作”为主题的自主性游戏;加强 家园合作,促进幼儿的同伴交往能力的发展。88977


AbstractThe peer interaction plays an important role on the social development of children who are in the middle class of kindergarten, among which the autonomous play is the major form。 The observation and analysis of the middle-class-group children’s peer interaction during the autonomous play lead to the following conclusions: the ability of peer interaction is polarized; the peer interaction frequency is different in different regions; the interactions between same gender are more than those between the opposite gender; and the gender has an impact on the ways of peer interaction。 The further research and analysis points out the factors which influence the peer interaction in the autonomous play among the middle-class-group children, they are game environment, children’s characteristics, teaching method of teachers and family education。 There are some suggestion for the improving the ability of peer interaction in the autonomous play:。 First of all , provide sufficient game material and create a relaxing and free game environment。 Secondly, it is necessary for teachers to intervene properly at an appropriate time and to enhance the guidance on the interaction skills。 In addition, face all the children and pay attention to the inpidual differences。 And focus on the critical middle-class period,  organizing autonomous play of cooperation theme。 Finally, strengthen the cooperation between family and kindergarten to develop children’s    capacity of peer interaction。

Keyword:middle class group children;autonomous play;peer interaction

目 录

摘 要 3

Abstract 3

一、问题提出 5

(一)研究缘起 5

(二)研究意义 6

(三)核心概念From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 界定 6

1。自主性游戏 6

2。同伴交往 6

二、研究对象、目的和方法 7

(一)研究对象 7

(二)研究目的 7

(三)研究方法 7

1。文献 7

2。观察法 8

三、研究结果与分析 8

(一)同伴交往能力的两极分化比较严重 8

(二)幼儿在不同区域的同伴交往频率不同 中班幼儿自主性游戏中同伴交往的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_172435.html
