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时间:2023-05-17 22:30来源:毕业论文

摘   要问题行为可见于每一个儿童身上。相对于自闭症儿童而言,由于在社会交往、语言沟通、行为、沟通手段的缺陷、感统方面的失调、认知曲解等方面存在缺陷,自闭症儿童问题行为的出现率会更高。自闭症儿童的问题行为主要有自伤行为、攻击性行为、刻板行为、课堂扰乱行为等,关于问题行为的干预方法,人们越来越强调用正向的观点来看待并干预自闭症儿童的问题行为,正向行为支持已被国内外广泛认可,且大量实践研究证明其能有效的改善自闭症儿童的问题行为。88823


毕业论文关键字:正向行为支持 ;自闭症儿童 ;过度亲近他人

Abstract   Problem behavior can be found in every child。 In the case of autistic children, the incidence of autistic children is higher due to defects in social interaction, language communication, behavior, communication defects, sensory disorders, cognitive misinterpretation, etc。 Autism children are mainly self-injurious behavior, aggressive behavior, stereotyped behavior, classroom disturbances, etc。, on the behavior of the intervention method, people increasingly emphasis on a positive point of view to consider and intervene in children with autism Behavioral behavior, positive behavior support has been widely recognized at home and abroad, and a large number of practical research to prove that it can effectively improve the behavior of children with autism behavior。

   Therefore, in this study, a 14-year-old autistic children were selected in the "Hangzhou City Yang Ling zi School" as the research object, using a single trial cross-behavior multiple baseline design, pided into the baseline period, intervention period, processing period, after observing the behavior of autistic children, this paper analyzes the behavioral function of the problem of autism, and then makes forward behavioral support strategy (past control strategy, behavioral training strategy, consequence treatment strategy), after 1。5 months of intervention training, the researcher according to Visual analysis, graph analysis, C Statistical and social validity analysis results, concluded: (1) positive behavior support to effectively reduce the autistic children's excessive close to other people's behavior (holding other people's behavior, relying on others who act, holding his hand behavior)。 (2) through the positive behavior to support intervention, autistic children's excessive close to the behavior of others showed an unstable downward trend。 (3) positive behavior support for autistic children holding others, leaning on others, holding his hands three kinds of target behavior intervention and maintenance effect is different。

Keyword:  Positive behavioral support; autistic children;  excessive close to others

目 录 II

摘   要 V 正向行为支持对自闭症儿童过度亲近他人行为的干预研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_168359.html
