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时间:2023-05-07 19:35来源:毕业论文


Abstract Reiterative locution refers to words and expressions repeatedly used and constituted by Chinese characters with completely same pattern, pronunciation, and meaning。 Researches on reiterative locution take up a very important status in Chinese language study。 “The Great Chinese Dictionary” is domestic greatest large-scale dictionary of Chinese language, as well as an important reference book for Chinese language study。 But due to its bulkiness, there are some careless omissions in the collection and explanation of reiterative locution。 With the collection and explanation of reiterative locution in the fifth volume of “The Great Chinese Dictionary” as the research objective, this article has illustrated the significance of reiterative locution research on large-scale Chinese lexicographical dictionary revision from four aspects: remedy the deficiency of single evidences, advanced hysteretic documentary evidences, revise some ill-fitting examples for meaning explanation, modify inaccurate paraphrasing and supplement missing senses of the dictionary entry。

毕业论文关键词:叠字; 汉语大词典; 修订


Keyword: Reiterative locution; The Great Chinese Dictionary; Revision

目    录

一、引言 5

二、正文 6

(一)弥补孤证源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 的不足 6

1。甍甍 6

2。凌凌 6

3。歧歧 6

4。渰渰 6

5。湃湃 7

6。淜2淜 7

7。甄甄 7

8。涖涖 7

9。泚泚 7

10。殑殑 8

11。戗2戗 8

12。晰晰 8

13。洮洮 8

14。殗3殗 8

15。渫2渫 8

16。涕涕 9

17。旦旦 9

18。昊昊 9

19。浞浞 9

20。狉狉 9

21。考考 9

22。猓2猓 9

23。狙狙 10

24。游游 10

25。湉湉 10

26。冒冒 10

27。猎猎 10

(二)提前滞后的书证 11

1。渤渤 11

2。狷狷 叠字研究与大型语文辞书的修订《汉语大词典》第五册为例:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_164831.html
