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时间:2023-05-04 21:15来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:小班幼儿; 争抢行为; 应对策略

Abstract:We can found that the scramble behavior of the bottom class in a kindergarten ’s children affected by the age characteristics and the living environment and the game materials, after consulted on the relevant literature and observed the children of the bottom class in a kindergarten for three weeks。And different types have different performance, and the final results are not the same。Teachers can use empathy, set an example, rich game material and the way of playing to solve the specific problem of competition。Teachers can also through daily life education, the creation of the collective teaching activities and cooperation with family to develop children's social skills, improve their ability of social communication, and promote the development of children's mental health, so that children can deal with the problem of competition and other social problems on their own。

Keyword: the children of the bottom class in a kindergarten; scramble behavior;  coping strategies

目    录

一、绪论 5

(一)选题缘由 5

(二)已有研究概述 5

(三)研究方法 6

(四)概念界定 6

二、研究结果与分析 7

(一)争抢的行为表现与结果 7

1。争抢行为的表现 7

2。争抢行为的结果 7

(二)争抢行为发生的原因 7

1。年龄特点 7

2。环境影响 7

3。材料限制 7

(三)争抢行为的类型源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 及应对策略 8

三、对教育实践的建议 9

(一)把握教育契机,挖掘积极价值 9

(二)日常生活渗透教育 9

(三)集体教学活动创设 10

(四)家园合作 10





    幼儿在社会性交往的过程中不断意识到他人的存在,不断建构着对于交往策略和规则意义的理解,借此幼儿的社会性和身心得以健康发展。幼儿在社会性互动的过程中不仅有谦让、合作、协商等亲社会行为,另一方面,受限于年龄特点和匮乏的交往经验,幼儿有时会出现不被社会普遍接受的行为。比如小班幼儿经常发生的争抢行为。他们为得到某物品/机会或者为表现自己亦或是由于其他的原因会做出争抢的举动。From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 小班幼儿争抢行为的原因及应对策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_164338.html
