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时间:2023-04-20 22:53来源:毕业论文

摘    要利用绘本对学前儿童进行性教育有重要的价值。通过调查发现,一些家长已经认识到及时开展学前儿童性教育的重要性和迫切性,并且主动了解了性教育的相关内容,希望利用合适的性教育绘本,在与孩子的共同阅读中开展家庭性教育。但是仍然有一些家长不了解性教育的重要性,不愿意承担起对孩子进行性教育的责任,也不了解性教育绘本。针对以上在调查中发现的问题,建议家长能够主动提升对学前儿童性教育的认知,转变对学前儿童性教育的态度,拓宽视野,了解并尝试利用绘本和其他多种形式对学前儿童进行性教育,选择适合孩子发展需要的优秀性教育绘本,并能积极主动的指导学前儿童阅读性教育绘本。建议幼儿园能积极开展家园合作,利用专业知识指导家长利用性教育绘本对学前儿童进行性教育。建议相关教育部门能调查家长对性教育绘本的要求,组织创作者创作出符合我国文化背景以及幼儿的年龄特点,满足幼儿阅读需要的优秀性教育绘本。88462

Abstract: Using the picture book is valuable for the preschool children sexual education。 Through the survey we can found, Some parents have realized the importance and urgency of carrying out preschool children sexual education timely, and have taken the initiative to understand the relevant content of sexual education, hoping to carry out domestic sexual education in the common reading with the children by using the appropriate picture book of sexual education。 But there are still some parents don’t understand the importance of sex education, don’t want to assume the responsibility of sexual education for children, don’t understand picture book of sexual education。 To solve the above problems found in the survey, suggesting that parents should initiative to raise awareness of preschool children sexual education and change attitude towards sexual education for preschool children, broaden their horizon, to know and attempt to use picture book and other forms for preschool children sexual education, to choose the best picture book of sexual education for children’s development needs, and actively guide preschool children to read the picture book of sexual education。 Suggesting the nursery school carry out cooperation with family, and using professional knowledge to support parents to use sexual education picture book accurately。 Suggesting education department should survey parents’ demands about picture book of sexual education, organizing creators to create picture book of sexual education which consistent with Chinese cultural background and children's age characteristics and meet children's need。

毕业论文关键词:学前儿童; 性教育; 绘本; 家庭源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766

Keywords: preschool children; sexual education; picture book; family。

目    录

一、绪论 3

(一)选题依据 3

(二)相关概念 5

1。绘本 5

2。学前儿童性教育 5

3。性教育绘本 5

(三)研究方法 6

二、绘本在学前儿童家庭性教育中的应用现状与分析 6

(一)调查的人群分布 6

(二)家长对于学前儿童性教育的认知 7

1。家长对性教育开始的年龄段的认识 7

2。家长对学前儿童性教育内容的了解 绘本在学前儿童家庭性教育中的应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_161086.html
