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时间:2020-10-07 10:20来源:毕业论文
1. Proportion and melting raw materials, an ingot. 2. The hot rolled into a roll, Milling. 3. The cold rolling, intermediate annealing. 4. Cut straightening, product quality testing. When choosing the

    1. Proportion and melting raw materials, an ingot.

    2. The hot rolled into a roll, Milling.

    3. The cold rolling, intermediate annealing.

     4. Cut straightening, product quality testing.

When choosing the design of the equipment used, the main reference of aluminum copper Co., the equipment used, the main production equipment and auxiliary equipment: five tons have core frequency induction furnace, five tons screw semi-continuous casting machine, Saw cutting machine, hot reversing mill, coiling machines, milling-sided, four-high cold rolling mill, twelve roll finishing mill, bell-type annealing furnace, horizontal shears, thick vertical shearing machines.

The calculation of rolling force and other mechanical parameters through the preparation of appropriate language to VB and workshop use CAD to draw floor plans, roll maps, and applications to take advantage of the computer in the actual production. And be rack, electrical and auxiliary equipment capacity check, workshop major economic indicators are calculated to ensure that the entire design can be used in actual production.The design of the main sources and topics elaborated T2, TP2 copper production technology requirements, and according to copper Aluminum Co., Ltd. on the existing equipment and production lines to design a reasonable product processes, and products produced during smelting system the development, production systems develop, force and energy parameter calculation, equipment strength check, motor check, auxiliary equipment capability computing and computing workshops major economic indicators, and draw the workshop floor plan with CAD, roll chart, rolling mill force and bending torque map.

Key words: copper; product design; technology systems; production equipment

 1.绪论 1

1.1概述 1

1.2紫铜市场发展趋势 1

1.2.1 中国铜市场发展趋势 2

1.3 年产量2.8万吨的紫铜板带车间工艺生产线产品大纲 2

1.4机遇推进 3

2产品设计 4

2.1 生产方案 4

2.1.1 产品方案编制及原则 4

2.1.2计算产品的选择 4

2.1.3产品标准与技术要求 5

2.2产方案的选择 7

2.2.1生产方案选择的依据 7

2.2.2有色金属产品板带箔材的生产方案 7

3生产工艺流程 8

3.1制定生产工艺流程的主要依据 8

3.2生产工艺流程新线的确定 8

3.3主要工序 9

4主要设备参数 10

5工艺制度制定 19

5.1 熔炼工艺制定 19

5.2 T2铜产品轧制生产制度 20

5.2.1变形制度的制定 20

5.2速度制度的制定 25

5.2.1 T2热轧时的轧制制度 25

5.2.2 T2的热轧速度制度的确定 26

5.2.3  T2冷轧的速度制度 26

5.2.4   TP2轧制速度的确定 年产量2.8万吨紫铜铜板带车间工艺设计+图纸(2):http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_62434.html
