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时间:2022-06-07 22:40来源:毕业论文



Abstract: B & B's customer satisfaction research is of great significance, but scholars at home and abroad for B & B's attention degree is low, main content relates to the current situation of the development of the B & B。 This paper selects the air board (airbnb) and pig short rent as a data collecting platform, by the method of content analysis and ROSTCM software, to stay in Nanjing Qinhuai District B & B's customers network evaluation as the sample data, B & B customer satisfaction survey。 From found in the decoration and homestay services customers the most important, is the highest satisfaction factors; B & B's location, room health, equipment and other live guest's influence is the elements of customer focus, there is need to be improved; price and customer interaction to a great extent sound customer satisfaction; sentiment analysis shows customers to the Qinhuai District B & B's overall attitude very satisfied。 In this regard, I from the angle of the operators, the government and society is proposed to improve the B & B customer satisfaction improvement suggestions, and discuss the limitations and follow-up research。

Keywords: content analysis, satisfaction, B & B, Nanjing

目 录

1 前言 5

2 文献综述 5

3 研究方法和研究过程 5

3。1 研究方法——内容分析法 5

3。2 研究过程 6

3。2。1网站、评论和样本民宿的选取 6

3。2。2 样本处理 6

3。2。3 建立分析体系 7

4 样本分析 8

4。1 民宿环境 8

4。2 民宿设施与服务 9

4。3 客户心理 9

4。4 二次住宿意愿 9

4。5 情感分析 9

4。6 与其他酒店的对比 10

5 提高民宿客户满意度建议 11

5。1 借鉴国内外特色案例 11

5。2 民宿经营者提高对文化的重视 11

5。3 政府加强监管制度 11

5。4 观念的转变 11

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1 前言

客户满意度是客户在感知产品并与其期望值相比之后,所形成的愉悦或失望的感觉状态,是一种主观的感受[1]。客户对产品的满意或者不满意的感受,受到很多因素的影响,例如客户的情感、产品的价值感知、服务质量和以往经验等,这些因素会直接导致客户在对产品的评价,从而影响二次购买意愿,因此研究客户满意度是非常必要的。 基于内容分析法的南京秦淮区民宿客户满意度研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_95107.html
