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时间:2022-03-25 22:35来源:毕业论文



Female College Students Analysis of Employment Situation

— Normal University Case Study

Abstract:In recent years, with the college expansion, the dramatic increase in the number of graduates, and the society for high quality talent demand is growing, the employment of college female student has become a prominent difficult issue。 Taking  University as example, In order to know the current female college students employment situation, based on the questionnaire of college female students, and following-up the employed female college students, analyzing the problem of the female college students of different family background, different profession, and different fixed number of year of the employment, their work environment, work unit, operation post, development space and salary and welfare。 From the society, government, colleges and university and female college student themselves 。 Offering some rational advice,such as encouraging the female students to employment at the local level, cultivating their practical ability and changing their employment concept to promote the employment of the female college students。 By analyzing the female college students employment, which can provide reference to the employment of female college students and make they recognize themselves and social cognition。 Find out the gap between themselves and social actual demand。 Adjust their employment expectation。 Finally ,leading them to set up the correct choosing profession idea and employment attitude。 Help them to form a reasonable career planning。

Key words: Female college students; Current employment situation; Influence

factor; Reasonable suggestion 

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、相关概念阐述 2

(一)就业的界定 2

(二)女大学生的界定 3

(三)。影响女大学生的就业状况的因素 3

二、实证研究设计 4

(一)研究对象 4

(二)研究方法 5

(三)研究工具 6

三、实证结果分析 6

(一)女大学生就业状况总体概况 6

(二)人口统计学变量下女大学生就业状况的差异分析 7

四、调查结论与建议 9

(一)调查结论 9

(二)促进女大学生就业的建议 11

参考文献 14

附录 女大学生就业状况调查分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_91613.html
