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时间:2022-02-22 23:03来源:毕业论文




Abstract Beach is affected by tide, submerged at high tide, exposed at low tide out very temporal and spatial variation law of the land resources。 Eastern coastal population density is very scarce land resources in China, as an important reserve land resources, large beach area, spatial distribution is more concentrated, and therefore make full use of the beach for our social and economic development。 Into the 1980s, remote sensing and geographic information systems technology has been rapid development of these techniques in obtaining data coastal beach, coastal beach study temporal variation aspect has been widely distributed applications。

This article Get Lianyungang coastal beaches of remote sensing technology for a long time based on remote sensing data, the use of geographic information systems, Lianyungang coastline and tidal resources in 1989, 1999, 2009, extracting accurate three years, in order to gain resources in Lianyungang coastal beach area 1989-- information and 2009, and from the analysis of these data and their temporal dynamic changes of the past two decades Lianyungang law shoals resources。 The results show that: Lianyungang coastal beach area for nearly two decades gradually extended to the ocean。

Key word:remote sensing,geographic information system,tideland,lianyuangang,spatiotemporal change




1  绪论 1

1。1研究背景和意义 1

1。2研究目的和研究内容 1

1。2。1研究目的 1

1。2。2研究内容 2

1。3研究方法 2

2  研究区概况 3

2。1研究区域概况 3

2。2自然环境特征 3

2。2。1气候特征 3

2。2。2地貌特征 3

2。2。3沿岸水文特征 4

2。3社会概况 4

2。3。1行政概况 4

2。3。2人口概况 4

3  数据资料分析与处理 5

3。 1遥感影像数据 5

3。2数据预处理 6

3。2。1遥感影像的校正 基于遥感的沿海滩涂时空动态变化分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_90085.html
