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时间:2022-02-10 22:09来源:毕业论文



Research on the localization of talent in foreign enterprises

Abstract With the globalization of economy is going on, talent localization has raised much concern by foreign enterprises, and is becoming an important way of overseas investment。 From the view of the existing literature, there are still many things need to be discussed。 This article introduces the background and the reasons of talent location。 Foreign enterprises can get benefits from talent localization。 And some factors affecting the localization of talents are listed。 Many researches on foreign enterprises are done, and combined with the background and reasons, the writer point out the problem and obstacles foreign enterprises may face during the process of talent localization。 Foreign enterprises need to take measures to solve the problems and these measures are mentioned。 Owing to the cultural difference and other factors, foreign enterprises must hire local talent to adapt to the local market。 According to the research on the localization of talent in foreign enterprises, we can learn how to develop the enterprises and local talent。

Keywords: globalization of economy; cultural difference; talent localization


0 引言 1

1 研究背景与思路 1

1。1 选题背景及意义 1

1。2 国内外相关研究综述及其评价 2

2 外资企业人才本土化的动因 3

2。1 提高市场适应性 3

2。2 提高文化适应性 3

2。3 降低人才成本 4

2。4 获取政府及社区更多支持 5

3 外资企业人才本土化的影响因素 5

3。1 管理者理念 6

3。2 人才可供量 6

3。3 文化的兼容性 8

3。4 企业吸引力 9

3。5 企业产品类型及目标市场的需求 9

4 外资企业人才本土化的策略 10

4。1 提升管理者理念 10

4。2 拓宽人才渠道 10

4。3 提高企业文化水平 11

4。4 提高工资待遇以及发展机遇 12

4。5 根据产品类型和目标市场调整本土人才比例 13

结论 14
