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时间:2022-02-09 12:53来源:毕业论文



Abstract:UNIQLO, a famous retailer brand, is the undisputed leader in the world of fashion clothes。 In line with the management idea of high quality and low cost, UNIQLO enters Beijing market successfully, expands quickly, and opens its retailer stores in most parts of Beijing。 Based on the 4Ps theory, this paper takes UNIQLO's Beijing stores for instance, collects the information of its site selection and business practice, analyzes its current state of operation, and  through their internship for two months in UNIQLO,find out the problems that UNIQLO face in its expansion of Beijing's Market, such as the lack of persity, the disadvantages in the price war。 As a result, this paper present some insight advices for the further development of UNIQLO in Beijing, such as clearing its brand positioning, making good use of its cost advantage and optimizing its site selection。

Key words: UNIQLO’s Beijing, marketing strategy, 4Ps

目  录

目  录 2

1  引言 3

2  理论基础与研究现状 3

2。1 4Ps理论 3

2。2 研究现状 4

3  北京优衣库营销现状分析 4

3。1 选址繁华,陈列独到 5

3。2 优衣库北京市场份额增大 6

3。3 行业竞争日趋激烈 7

4  北京优衣库营销策略存在问题分析 8

4。1 品牌定位模糊 8

4。2 价格战在华竞争力弱 8

4。3 门店选址仍需优化 9

4。4 促销、宣传力度有待加强 9

5  北京优衣库营销改进策略 10

5。1 精准品牌定位 10

5。2 抓住成本优势,提高价格竞争力 10

5。3 选址避免正面冲突 11

5。4 改善促销方式,加强宣传力度 11

结论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1  引言

随着国民消费指数、人均GDP的增长,中国已经渐渐成为了全球最有发展潜力的服装消费市场之一。经济发展,社会进步,居民收入不断提高,人们的消费意识有了很大改变:从原来的衣服穿着功能到现在的讲究时尚,追求个性、休闲,消费结构有了新的调整,消费理念日趋成熟。为迎合消费者,服装零售业的竞争不仅是品牌之争、价格之争,更表现在企业经营模式以及对消费者需求的深度挖掘上。中国自有品牌起步较晚,比起国外运作模式还不够成熟,尚未满足消费者多重需求。文献综述 优衣库4Ps营销策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_89423.html
