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时间:2017-06-01 21:26来源:毕业论文

In China the transition period,with the fast growth of the economy,the interests of the increasingly differentiation and the rapid social change,,social disputes emerge in a large amount,social contradictions intensified。Charity contains a high moral and public welfare spirit,aid to vulnerable groups,to alleviate social contradictions has irreplaceable function,development charity industry is particularly important。With the rapid development of market economy,the charity development is relatively lags behind,still can't satisfy the transformation of society and the needs of economic development,the public participation is low,each face negative news emerged,lack of credibility has become China's charity development of a stumbling block。
This article mainly from the charity,charity credibility of the current situation and existing problems,this paper discusses cultivation charity credibility path,proposed that the transition cultivate our charity the path of credibility,Including the public consciousness cultivation charity,strengthen and improve charity construction,establishment of professional talent cultivation system,strengthen the legal construction and moral word set standards,establish the charity's self-discipline institutionalization,and establish a persified supervision network,set up a charity society promotes the charity credibility ascension。
Key words:Transfer transformation;Charity;Credibility
目  录
1  绪论 5
1.1  研究背景、目的及意义 5
1.2  有关概念界定 5
1.2.1  社会转型期 5
1.2.2  慈善机构 5
1.2.3  公信力 6
2  转型期我国慈善机构公信力发展的现状 6
2.1  转型期我国慈善机构发展的概况 6
2.1.1  慈善机构发展初具规模 6
2.1.2  慈善机构募捐途径扩大 6
2.1.3  慈善机构援助面扩大 6
2.2  转型期我国慈善机构公信力发展的概况 7
2.2.1  努力树立自身诚信形象 7
2.2.2  缺乏一定独立性 7
2.2.3  与利益关系人信息不对称 7
3  转型期我国慈善机构公信力存在主要问题的分析 8
3.1  转型期我国慈善机构存在的主要问题 8
3.1.1  准入审批制度不合理 8
3.1.2  人员素质参差不齐 8
3.1.3  大众参与程度低 9
3.2  转型期我国慈善机构公信力存在的主要问题 9
3.2.1  缺乏合理有效内部机制 9
3.2.2  监督机制不健全10
3.2.3  相关法律法规不完善10
4  国外及港澳台地区慈善机构培育公信力的分析11
4.1  美国培育慈善机构公信力的对策11
4.1.1  民间慈善机构获得免税资质的门槛高11 转型期我国慈善机构公信力发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_8312.html