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时间:2021-09-10 19:39来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Correct and accurate sales strategy was one of the necessary factors for the success of business. Nowadays, more and more supermarkets were relied on fresh vegetables to attract more customers. Which could meet the needs of consumers, and take huge profits to the supermarket. This article carried on a supermarket vegetable sale strategy analysis of a supermarket, and we could find that the quality of vegetables couldn’t be guaranteed, and the price of vegetable was too high, and vegetable sale channels were backward. In order to improve the market competitiveness of the supermarket , they used the marketing theory to put forward a strategy which can ensure the quality of vegetables, can control the price of vegetables reasonably, can integrate vegetable sales channels, can enhance the confidence of supermarket vegetables.

Keywords: E-Mart, vegetables, sales strategy

目 录

1  引言 3

2  南通如皋市易买得超市概述 3

3  南通如皋市易买得超市蔬菜销售现状 3

4  南通如皋市易买得超市蔬菜销售存在的问题 5

4.1  蔬菜质量易腐烂 5

4.2  蔬菜价格偏高 5

4.3  蔬菜销售渠道落后 6

4.4  对超市蔬菜信任度不高 7

5  南通如皋市易买得超市蔬菜销售的对策 8

5.1  严格保证蔬菜质量 8

5.2  合理控制蔬菜价格 9

5.3  整合蔬菜销售渠道 9

5.4  增强超市蔬菜的信任度 10

结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13


1  引言   

随着人们生活的节奏越来越快捷化,越来越多的人喜欢到超市购买蔬菜,因此,在南通如皋市越来越多的超市在超市内设立蔬菜区以应对广大消费在的消费需求,例如:好润多超市、永辉超市、品德超市等等。这些超市都位于居民小区附近以便让小区居民更方便的购买蔬菜,其内部改变使得超市销售蔬菜所获得的利润越来越少,压力却越来越大。南通市如皋市易买得超市位于如皋市如意花园小区东侧,易买得超市在2014年也在内部设立一个新的区:新鲜蔬菜区,可面对如此大的竞争压力,易买得超市正在寻找新的突破口,使得自己在蔬菜方面的利润可以有所提高。毋容质疑新鲜蔬菜已经利用率成为超市中不可或缺的组成部分,甚至有的学者提出:新鲜蔬菜将成为超市经营的命脉,也将成为商场集客力的重要来源。这也是易买得超市作出的最准确的决定,在这样的改变之下我将对易买得超市进行简单的销售策略分析,寻出优势与劣势和正确的销售策略。 南通如皋市易买得超市蔬菜销售策略分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81555.html
