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时间:2021-07-22 20:26来源:毕业论文



An analysis of the influence factors of the 1980s and the 1990s one-child’s will to have the second child As an example in Shanghai

Abstract:China has carried out its one-child policy for more than 30 years. No doubt this policy has been very successful in controlling China's population. In the 21st century, although the population is still growing, it is hard to ignore that China has also entered the ranks of low fertility countries. As China's international metropolis, Shanghai is the metropolis of aging is particularly serious in Chinese cities, aging is more and more serious in recent years. Many young men and women of reproductive age are busying in business, even late marriage and late childbirth. Moreover, with the increase of children economic cost and work pressure, most young married couples, especially one-child family don't want to have the second child and even don't want to get married. Therefore, this research in Shanghai, for example, using the methods of questionnaire and in-depth interview method to obtain first-hand information, through the analysis of these data to understand the current influence factors of the 1980s and the 1990s one-child's will to have the second child. Finally I put forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve fertility intentions.

Key Words:the one child;fertility intention;influencing factors 

目 录

引 言 1

一、文献综述与研究构思 1

(一)文献综述 1

1、目前相关研究的现状 1

2、本研究的发展趋势 3

(二)研究构思 3

1、核心概念的界定 3

2、研究目标与方案 3

3、研究方法 4

二、80、90后独生子女生育二胎意愿影响因素的问卷调查 4

(一)80、90后独生子女生育二胎意愿影响因素的数据与分析 4

1、基本信息 5

2、国家生育政策对生育二胎意愿的影响 5

3、家庭经济情况对生育二胎意愿的影响 6

4、生育情况对生育二胎意愿的影响 6

5、文化水平对生育二胎意愿的影响 7

(二)80、90后独生子女生育二胎意愿影响因素的调查结论与分析 7

1、家庭经济条件越好的独生子女生育二胎意愿越高 7

2、已生育的人二胎生育意愿高于未生育的人 独生子女生育二胎意愿影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_78798.html
