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时间:2021-06-07 19:18来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词    高等院校  科技人才 创业管理 产业化 市场价值

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  The new channels’s Research of university of science  and technology  talents entrepreneurial management 


In the 21st century is an era of fast and fierce development of high- technology.The tide of rapid development technology entrepreneurship have raised in response to the proper time and conditions。colleges and universities,as the rallying point of High level scientific and technological personnel,scientific research equipment, cutting-edge information should assume more social responsibility.In recent years, the field of science and technology talents in colleges and universities entrepreneurship has been made into a full progress.the achievement of Scientific research and technology into products Performanced very significantly. In this paper, through literature references, fieldwork,Visit and interviews, Accumulation of material,etc,obtained some Effective information ,Trying to make a brief analysis of the summary of historical experience in the field of domestic and foreign relevant, development present situation, the domestic scientific research and the reality of entrepreneurship, advantages disadvantages,Taking the Nanjing university of science and technology as the main research object,Put forward some superficial views of the new channel on the current situation may arise in line with the specific facts .

Keywords: College high-techtalent Entrepreneurial-Management   industrialization   market -value

目   次

1  绪论 5

1.1研究的背景及意义 5

1.2研究方法 9

2  相关概念和相关背景政策 9

2.1高校科研人员 9

2.2南京321计划和“领军型科技创业人才引进计划” 10

2.2.1南京的创业人才321计划” 10

2.2.2“领军型科技创业人才引进计划” 10

2.2.4《科技九条》 11

3  对当前国内发展背景的分析 11

3.1现有的优势 11

3.2现存的弊端 13

3.3现有的科技人员创业渠道列举 14

4  国内外高校科技人员创业途径概况 15

4.1国外高校科技人员创业——以美国和德国为例 15

4.2国内高校科技人员创业概况 17

4.2.1概述 17

4.2.2具体实例 18

4.3国内外情况的区别 高校科研人员创业管理新途径和政策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_76429.html
