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时间:2021-04-20 21:59来源:毕业论文


关键词: 供应链协调; 收益共享; 多层级; 共赢

毕业论文 中 文 摘 要 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Research on the coordination mechanism for multi-echelon supply chain

Abstract: Under a revenue-sharing contract, a retailer pays a supplier a wholesale price for each unit purchased, plus a percentage of the revenue the retailer generates. This paper studies how revenue sharing mechanism coordinates a supply chain. First, we build an model of a two-echelon supply chain with a supplier selling products to a single retailer. We show that a general revenue-sharing contract can coordinate this two-echelon supply chain; i.e., with this contract, the retailer chooses the supply chain optimal actions (quantity and price), and the supply chain’s profit can be arbitrarily pided between the two firms. After that, we extend to consider the coordination problem for a multi-echelon supply chain, and a new spanning revenue sharing mechanism is proposed. The new spanning revenue sharing contract is then proved to coordinate the serial multi-echelon supply chain with stochastic demand. Finally, we demonstrate the advantages of the new spanning revenue sharing contract over mechanisms with revenue-sharing contracts between all pairs of adjacent entities.

Keywords: Supply chain coordination; Revenue sharing; Multi-echelon; Win-win


1 引言 1

1.1问题的提出 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1二级供应链协调机制 1

1.2.1级供应链协调机制 2

1.3本文的研究思路和方法 3

2 二级供应链协调机制设计 5

2.1引言 5

2.2模型的建立 6

2.3协调机制及利润分配 7

2.4本章小结 8

3 多层级供应链协调机制设计 9

3.1引言 9

3.2模型的建立 11

3.3可行的供赢方案 15

3.4数例及本章小结 18

4 结论和管理启示 20

3.1结论 20

3.2管理启示 20

3.3未来研究方向 20

致谢 22

参考文献 23

1 引言


20世纪90年代以来,供应链管理已越来越成为企业管理的一种重要模式,然而它的实施却面临着一些困难:供应链包含多个成员,由于供应链各成员都有各自的目标,并且供应链成员的决策者只能决定供应链某一部分的行动,所以成员的决策往往与供应链总体的利益相冲突。当链中各节点企业不能同时满足各自利益最大的愿望时,就会产生利益冲突竞争。为了消除这种冲突,最理想的情况是在集中决策模式下,由可以获得全部信息的某一个决策者来决定供应链中所有的行动,这样,供应链系统就能达到利润最大化。因此,就需要通过供应链协调,来使得供应链中的每个成员选择的最优行动即为供应链整体最优行动,通过成员企业间更加密切的合作,提高供应链的整体效益。论文网 多层级供应链的协调机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_73724.html
