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时间:2021-02-09 10:41来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Urban and rural construction sites linked to a mitigation of urban and rural land use conflicts, and vigorously promote farmland protection and conservation of a critical and intensive land use initiatives. In this paper, Huaiyin District for the study, an overview of the urban and rural construction sites linked to the content, Huaiyin District Analysis of urban and rural construction sites linked to the potential for the use of land per capita index method, and put forward Huaiyin District, urban and rural construction sites linked to the operation some recommendations. Huaiyin District, linked to changes in the project implementation process, should strengthen the government's macro-control, urban and rural development, protect the quality of arable land, pay attention to the wishes of farmers, to mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers.

Keywords: urban and rural construction land,increase and decrease of pothook,mode of operation,huaiyin

目 录

1 前言 4

2 淮阴区简介 4

3 淮阴区挂钩运作现状 5

3.1挂钩的实质 5

3.2土地利用现状 5

3.3挂钩潜力分析 6

3.4挂钩运作模式探究 8

4 淮阴区挂钩运作存在的问题 10

4.1补偿的耕地质量得不到保证 10

4.2农村建设用地整理和土地复垦难度不断加大 10

4.3挂钩质量得不到保证 10

4.4农民参与的积极性不高 10

5 淮阴区挂钩发展对策 10

5.1形成政府参与的市场运作模式 11

5.2将耕地保护责任逐级分解 11

5.3将挂钩与农村可持续发展挂钩 11

5.4具体落实各项补偿 11

5.5切实维护农民的利益 11

结 论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1 前言


城乡建设用地增减挂钩不仅能够起到缓解我国城镇建设用地愈发紧张、农村建设用地使用无序、粗放、闲置等现况,而且能够促进城乡建设用的集约和节约利用,优化城乡建设用地结构和布局。还可以通过对农村建设用地的整理,将零星分布的居民点聚集起来,如此将不断健全完善农村基础设施建设,从根本上提高农民的生活水平,统筹城乡发展,推动社会主义新农村建设。 淮阴区城乡建设用地增减挂钩运作现状及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_69588.html
