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时间:2021-01-26 20:21来源:毕业论文



Abstraction:With the increase of population aging, pension problems become more and more attention by people, and old-age tourism has become a new way of pension. In this paper, through the questionnaire investigation on the city, based on the Logistic model of huaian endowment tourism will influence factors were analyzed. Research results show that the pension huaian the elderly tourism will mainly the degree of tourism destination is rich in tourism resources, climate environment, tourists' motivation factors and the capital situation and the influence of such factors as constraints. According to the analysis results suggest the following aspects: highlight the characteristics of tourism resources and climate environment, the development of tourism products quality and cheap, and old-age support of tourist facilities and the inner demand of old people.

Key word :Endowment tourism;Logistic model;Travel will;Huaian

1绪论 5

1.1养老旅游概述 5

1.2国内外研究现状 5

2养老旅游意愿调查 6

2.1样本特征及数据初步分析 6

2.2养老旅游意愿 7

3基于Logistic模型的养老旅游意愿分析 8

3.1养老旅游意愿模型的建立 8

3.2 Logistic模型构建 8

3.3变量描述及赋值 9

3.4结果分析 10

4建议与政策启示 13

4.1突出旅游资源和气候环境的特色 13

4.2适度开发优质优价型养老旅游产品 13

4.3重点开发物美价廉型养老旅游产品 14

4.4注重养老旅游地的硬件设施设备 14

4.5关注老年人的内心需求 14

结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

附录 18

1  绪论

1.1  养老旅游概述

    养老旅游即老年旅游者以异地养老形式而发生的不以工作、定居和长期移民为目的的旅行、暂居和游览活动的总称,它融度假、观光、疗养、保健等多个旅游形式于一身[1]。也就是老年人像候鸟一样在不同的季节选择最合适自己的生活环境,从而在所选择的居住地所发生的旅游活动。当前我国老龄化形式严峻,拥有着世界上最大的老龄人群,据统计,2013年我国60岁以上的老年人已经达到了1.78亿,且正以每年3%的以上的速度快速增长,预计到2020年达到2.43亿,约占总人口的18%[2],但同时我国的退休年龄偏小,大都在50-60岁之间。所以说,现如今老年人退休后有着充足的时间,收入也有保障,精力也比较充沛且身体大都健康,旅游意愿强烈,而随着老年人旅游市场的发展与开拓,养老旅游也日益得到关注。源:自/优尔^-论,文'网·www.youerw.com/ Logistic模型对淮安养老旅游意愿影响因素进行分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_68956.html
