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时间:2020-11-04 17:11来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词】中小企业  培训体系  竞争力

Measures for SMEs staff training system construction

Abstract: Today, the industrial economy is relatively stable, growing small and medium business difficulties, according to the situation of SMEs existing allocation of resources, the needs of SMEs who increasingly significant new skills, the training of human resources management development organization has a significant impact and significance, strengthen the training to become the new direction of the enterprise for sustainable development. This paper analyzes the current situation of SMEs training staff and related problems, described the importance of building good training system, and proposed countermeasures construction staff training system so that SMEs can meet the needs of people post match, and implementing business development always, and let it truly a benefit for the community, for the enterprise and development, to the benefit of employees, to life more fun!

Key Words: Small and medium-sized enterprises   Training System    Competitiveness of SMEs


1. 中小企业问题分析 2

1.1 企业规划失误、缺乏预警 2

1.2成本控制不足,投资回报率不高 2

1.3人才的缺乏和人才流动率过大 2

2. 建设中小企业员工培训体系的作用 2

2.1 对员工来说:能够加强员工工作满意度,提升工作效率 2

2.2 对企业来说:能够满足企业对人才的需求,提升企业竞争力 2

2.3 对社会来说:增加企业的社会责任感,促进社会和谐 2

3. 加强中小企业员工培训体系建设的对策分析 2

3.1重视员工素质的提高是加强中小企业员工培训体系建设的前提 2

3.2 转变用人理念是加强中小企业员工培训体系建设的保证 2

3.3 提升培训质量和水准是加强中小企业员工培训体系建设的重点 2

4. 完善中小企业员工培训体系建设的对策 2

4.1 建设科学的员工培训体系 2

4.1.1 培训需求分析。 2

4.1.2 注重培训过程。 2

4.1.3 培训评估和反馈。 2

4.2 关注员工心理资本开发,将管理心理学引入培训体系建设 2

4.3 赢得协作部门的支持,建立良好的培训环境 2

5. 总结 2

5.1 培训认知的误区 2

5.1.1 培训对企业的作用大于个人作用 中小企业员工培训体系建设的对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_64192.html
