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时间:2020-10-14 21:57来源:毕业论文
Study further pointed out that due to the current social institutions project supervision model is still in the process of continuous exploration, this model will supervise the following question is i

    Study further pointed out that due to the current social institutions project supervision model is still in the process of continuous exploration, this model will supervise the following question is inevitable: timely inadequate supervision, feedback lag; by the local environment and strong external oversight; project supervision and the lack of systematic planning; internal organization structure supervisors unscientific; domestic regulatory fragile relationship. Reason combination of interviews, researchers will cause these problems boil down to three: the lack of macro-level social environment, meso levels of government, social work services and investment institutions, lack of social knowledge, the limited nature of microscopic major constraints the level of supervision.

Finally, the modalities four levels of members of the Social-agency project supervision model proposed project to improve supervision of social work: First, the government should actively create community development work to create a favorable macro environment; secondly, to establish a sound system norms, improve the supervision mechanism; third, supervisors should be from their own perspective, and focus on improving the professional standards of their overall quality of supervision; and finally, from the social needs of the project on their own initiative, carry out independent learning, and constantly enhance their professional knowledge and professional skill. Only the government, social work services, project managers and social workers Quartet linkage, joint efforts to ensure the supervision of professional direction towards social programs.

Keywords: social work; supervision; supervision mode

一、  导论

1.1  研究的背景

     近年来,和国家高度重视社会工作的发展,而社会工作作为一项专业和职业,其发展离不开社会工作专业人才队伍的培养和壮大。2006年,十六届六中全会上提出:“建设宏大的社会工作人才队伍。造就一支结构合理、素质优良的社会工作人才队伍,是构建社会主义和谐社会的迫切需要” 2011年,中央组织部、民政部等18个部委联合发布了《关于加强社会工作专业人才队伍建设的意见》,该意见是我国首个针对社会工作专业人才的专门文件。在《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》中,提出了 “社会工作人才队伍建设目标以人才培养和岗位开发为基础,以中高级社会工作人才为重点;到2015年,社会工作人才总量达到200万人”。社会工作督导作为中高级人才,是我国今后一段时间内培养和发展的重点。

1.1.1  上海市阳光社区青少年事务中心概况

    21世纪初上海,经济的快速发展和不断提高城市文明程度,而犯罪日益突出,犯罪低龄化,智能化,团伙,已成为影响社会和谐稳定的重要因素。上海市委常委在以往的各种犯罪的调查发现,四类特殊群体的需要,有效地监控和诫勉,,吸烟成瘾者,囚犯和社区劳动对象,社区青少年闲置。根据“中华人民共和国中国刑法”和“中国刑事诉讼法中华人民共和国,”当时的规定,前三类为公安执法对象的对象,后者为司法行政,政策文件的共青团服务对象。但是,实际工作中,由于这样那样的原因源[自-优尔^`论/文'网·www.youerw.com,这四个特殊群体在社会上,经常在学校不想管单位,家庭纪律,没有社会地位的控制。鉴于这种情况,上海市委决定推进全市预防犯罪和还原系统,进一步加强社会管理,预防犯罪和减少在源头,而推进政府主导,社会自主运行,多方利益相关者的社会的总体工作思路。由于减少犯罪和预防系统在上海社区青年“纺锤型”三级政府行政体系,并通过政府购买服务的推进实施的重要组成部分。 保护性社会工作中社工督导关系研究(2):http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_62863.html
