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时间:2020-05-12 21:28来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 顾客关系管理;中小企业;市场竞争

On the Problems and Improvement Strategy of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Customer Relationship Management in China

Abstract:Customer relationship management is one of the most important activities of enterprise management. At present, small and medium-sized enterprise still have some problems  in the customer relationship management, including lack of understanding in the customer relationship management, striving and retaining customers in a wrong way, lacking the professional management personnel and the backward management problems. The cause of the problems of customer relationship management is due to the fact of the conservative ideology, backward ideas, do not attach importance to customer value and tough transformation of scale and process in small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to improve the customer relationship management, the small and medium-sized enterprise must create its own special enterprise culture, establishing and improving the mechanism of customer relationship management, finding the application strategy of enterprise customer relationship management under the background of Internet technology, paying attention to the relationship between the supplier market, the competitor market, the internal market, the distributor market and the influence market, making full use of management technology to integrate the customer channels and all the business background functions effectively, and thus enhancing the overall profitability of the company.

Key words: Customer Relationship Management;Small And Medium-sized Enterprises; Competition in The Market.

目    录

摘  要: 1

Abstract. 1

一、顾客关系管理及其重要性 2

(一)顾客关系管理的概念 2

(二)顾客关系管理对中小企业发展中的重要性 2

二、我国中小企业顾客关系管理的发展现状及问题 3

(一)我国中小企业顾客关系管理的发展现状 3

(二)我国中小企业顾客关系管理中存在的问题 4

1.中小企业对顾客关系管理的认识不足 4

2.争夺顾客的方式落后 4

3.缺少专业管理人员 5

4.管理手段落后 5

三、我国中小企业顾客关系管理中存在的问题的原因 5

(一)思想保守,观念陈旧 5

(二)中小企业规模与流程改造困难 我国中小企业顾客关系管理中存在的问题及改进策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_51470.html
