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时间:2017-04-13 13:08来源:毕业论文

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title    The Research on the Public Trust of NGO in China
----Take Red Cross Society of China for Example                     
With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up and the establishment and development of the socialist market economy, the whole society is increaingly becoming more and more perse. Especially in some fields of prominent and sharp social issues, NGO’s activities are particularly active and focused, they tend to play an important role that government and enterprises can’t or hard to play, and promote society progress. However, as the social stratification, re-flow and integration of social resources and so on, caused the aggravation of social crisis of confidence.
NGOs in a particular period, the crisis of confidence is imminent as the market environment and a variety of reasons.Non-governmental organizations due to its social responsibilities and the public welfare, the lack of credibility of its social consequences will be more serious. This article aims to uproar by 2011 China Red Cross crisis of confidence in the event to explore the question of the credibility of the NGO,to put forward some practical buliding recommendations.
Keywords: Non-Governmental Organization ; Public Trust ; Role Orientation
Supervise ; Self-discipline

1  引言    1
2  非政府组织简介    1
2.1  非政府组织的特征    1
2.2  非政府组织在中国的发展    2
3  非政府组织的公信力    4
3.1  公共责任是非政府组织公信力的核心    4
3.2  公信力对于非政府组织的意义    5
4  非政府组织公信力缺失的表现及原因探究    5
4.1  非政府组织公信力缺失的表现    5
4.2  非政府组织公信力缺失的原因探究    7
5  “郭美美事件”引发的中国红十字会信任危机    10
5.1  “郭美美事件”始末    10
5.2  “郭美美事件”何以引发信任危机    10
5.3  “郭美美事件”暴露出来的红十字会的问题    11
5.4  中国红十字会该如何挽回其公信力    12
6  非政府组织公信力提升的路径    13
6.1  建立中国非政府组织的诚信文化,提高组织成员的道德水平    14
6.2  加强非政府组织的人力资源管理    15
6.3  加强和完善非政府组织的自律机制    15
6.4  尽快完善非政府组织管理方面的法律法规体系    16 中国红十字会信任危机非政府组织的公信力研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_4976.html