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时间:2020-03-27 11:57来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着互联网的发展和移动终端技术应用的普及,以微信为代表的移动即时通讯应用凭借其开拓性的用户体验和创新功能,迅速积累了海量用户并成长为平台生态圈,有着很大的社会价值和广泛传播价值,于此同时,也隐藏着很客观的商业价值。目前,在互联网 + 为导向的创业风口上,大学生微信社交平台商业化市场上还没有得到很大的开发,还有很大的拓展空间。因此,研究微信创业模式的有着理论意义和实际意义。47088



Work improvement research based on IE in a hypermarket queuing system

Abstract:With the popularity of Internet development and application of mobile technology, as represented by Wechat app, with its ground-breaking user experience and innovative features, rapidly accumulated a vast of users and grow into a platform ecosystem .which has a huge social and communication value, and also contained the objective commercial value.At present, In the Internet on the orientation of entrepreneurship, College students WeChat social platform has not been a great development in commercial market, also has the very big development space. Therefore, for WeChat platform Starbucks mode research has important theoretical significance and practical significance.

This article aims to analysis kind of new business model based on university students in the use of Wetchat  public app entrepreneurship examples. Also provide guidance for them on the choose of entrepreneurial industry and business model. The commercialization of WeChat and the status of the commercialization of the conditions for analysis ,Commercialization is the inevitable trend of the sustainable development of WeChat.

 KeyWords:WeChat public platform; college student entrepreneurship; 

           WeChat business; business practice

目 录

一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景 1

1、大学生创业成为常态 1

2、大学生创业存在的问题 1

(二) 研究目的及意义 1

1、研究目的 1

2、研究意义 2

(三) 微信的发展历程和现状 3

1、微信的发展历程 3

2、微信发展现状 3

二、微信创业的SWOT模型分析 5

(一) 微信创业的优势分析 5

1、熟人网络,小众传播,传播有效性更高 5

2、营销和服务的定位更精准 5

3、便利的互动性 5

4、营销成本更低,可持续更强 5

5、微信公共平台,一对多传播,信息达到率高 6

(二) 微信创业的劣势分析 6

(二) 微信创业的机会分析 6

(四) 微信创业的威胁分析 7
