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时间:2020-03-22 20:59来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:东坎镇; 新生代农民工; 就业问题  

Research on the Employment Problems of New Generation of Migrant Workers in East Canton town, Yan Cheng City


Employment of migrant workers has always been the key point of researches on migrant workers. Through careful field survey, this paper finds that the employment of the new generation of migrant workers in East Canton town, Yan Cheng City has the following problems: temporary employment is widespread; labor rights are damaged; social security lags behind; and psychological health status is poor. The reasons that caused these problems are: migrant workers’ education level and cultural quality are not high; career planning is absence; and household register system has deficiency. At last, considering the actual situation of Dong Kan town, this paper puts forward some feasible countermeasures, such as improving employment ability through training, strengthening social security, focusing on psychological guidance, and so on. 

Keyword: East Canton town; new generation of migrant workers; employment problems

目   录

0引言 - 6 -

1.东坎镇新生代农民工的就业现状 - 7 -

1.1文化程度和技能水平较老一辈高 - 7 -

1.2外出就业目的已包含到许多精神层面 - 7 -

1.3新生代农民工在制造业和第三产业的比重有所上升 - 8 -

1.4期盼能融入城市 - 8 -

2. 东坎镇新生代农民工就业存在的问题及原因分析 - 9 -

2.1短工化严重 - 9 -

2.2劳动权益得不到保障 - 10 -

2.3社会保障滞后 - 12 -

2.4心理健康状况不佳 - 14 -

3.改善新生代农民工就业问题的措施和建议 - 16 -

3.1完善相关法律法规,切实维护新生代农民工的权益 - 16 -

3.2完善户籍制度,促进新生代农民工市民化 - 16 -

3.3 农民工就业输出和输入地都要负起责任 - 17 -

3.4企业以教育培训提升新生代农民工的就业能力 - 17 -

3.5加强对新生代农民工的心理疏导 - 19 -

结  论 - 20 -

致  谢 - 21 -

参考文献 - 22 -

附录 - 23 -



 “新生代农民工”,主要是指80后、90后,这批人目前在农民工外出打工的1.5亿人里面占到60%,大约1个亿。他们出生以后就上学,上完学以后就进城打工,相对来讲,对农业、农村、土地、农民等不是那么熟悉。另一方面,他们渴望进入、融入城市社会,而我们在很多方面还没有完全做好接纳他们的准备。新生代农民工年龄18岁到25岁,以“三高一低”为特征:受教育程度高,职业期望值高,物质和精神享受要求高,工作耐受力低。这批人目前在农民工外出打工的1.5亿人里面占60%,大约1个亿[1]。 盐城市新生代农民工就业问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_48687.html
