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时间:2020-03-08 21:06来源:毕业论文

At present, with the rapid increase of China's economic level and the development of electronic business platform and logistics industry also benefited greatly. The logistics industry is developing rapidly, and expanding the scope of business types. But now in the fierce market competition situation, the traditional development mode of the high cost of logistics enterprises have sustainable development to meet the demand of the market. So logistics enterprises want to have a better development, expand enterprise scale, improve profits, must through the method of improve logistics service quality, strengthen its management and control the logistics cost and cater to the market, raise the customer satisfaction to the establishment of the core competitiveness of enterprises. This article, through the through express company in Nanjing as an example, combined with current market conditions are analyzed and summarized through Express Co., Ltd. in the operation of a series of problems, and the communication problems encountered by the express company in the development of the improvement measures are put forward, hope through express delivery companies can sum up experience, grasp the market, seize the opportunity, in the fierce competition in the express industry to seek development and take a seat.
Key words: express delivery, logistics, quality of service
目  录
摘  要    Ⅰ
第一章  我国快递企业发展现状比较分析    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2我国快递企业服务现状比较分析    1
1.3研究意义    2
第二章  理论综述    4
2.1快递的定义及其特点    4
2.2服务质量内容及衡量标准    4
第三章  中通快递发展现状及问题分析    5
3.1中通快递公司介绍    5
3.2中通快递发展现状    5
3.3中通快递服务质量问题    5
第四章  中通快递提高物流服务质量的措施    10
4.1政府完善相关政策法规    10
4.2注重品牌建设,树立企业形象    10
4.3加强物流网络建设    10
4.4加强科技投入,降低成本    11
4.5转型加盟的经营模式    11
4.6注重人才培养,提高从业人员素质    12
结束语    13
致  谢    14
参考文献    15
第一章  我国快递企业发展现状比较分析
随着经济的不断发展,快递企业在我国发展迅猛,而且伴随着越来越多的国外快递企业进入+中国。因此国内快递企业此刻遭受着巨大的挑战,中国物流快递企业未来应该如何发展。根据相关统计资料显示,到2016年,我国将初步形成一批具有国际竞争力的物流快递企业,初步形成高效快捷、技术先进的的物流快递服务体系,能够让物流体系市营社会经济发展水平,变成新型的战略性服务行业。这是对于物流快递服务领域来说,政府第一次提出战略目标。这也预示着在接下来的五年,我国物流快递行业将会高速发展。然而,我国有些快递企业的服务质量不能达到快递行业及客户的期望,因此提高我国快递行业物流服务质量已经势在必行。 南京中通快递提高物流服务质量的策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_47854.html