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时间:2020-02-26 11:20来源:毕业论文

April 2009, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council issued the "views on deepening the medical and health system," marks a new round of medical and health system was officially launched, China's commercial health insurance policy environment has changed a lot. The new medical reform will bring both opportunities and more challenges. On the one hand, commercial health insurance premiums increased rapidly, business risks and operating costs gradually declined, on the other hand, commercial health insurance facing out and substitution effects of basic medical, accounting for the proportion of total health insurance premium income is still very low, far failure to meet the growing health care needs. From the health insurance status, positioning cut, study new medical reform produced a profound impact on the health insurance and health insurance in the proposed basic medical convergence should promote third-party management, reinsurance and other serious co-ordination to promote development strategy.
Key words:Development impact; new health care reform; health insurance
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    2
一、绪论    4
(一)研究背景及意义    4
(二)文献综述    5
二、商业健康保险概述    5
(一)商业健康保险的概念界定    5
(二)商业健康保险发展的现状    6
三、商业健康保险在医保体系中的定位    7
四、新医改对商业健康保险发展的影响    8
(一)新医改对健康保险的积极影响    8
(二)新医改给商业健康保险带来的挑战    11
五、新医改背景下深化商业健康保险发展的对策    12
(一).与基本医疗衔接,继续推进第三方管理    12
(二)推进大病统筹的再保险    12
(三)加快信息系统建设,提升风险管控能力    12
(四)加快完善健康保险有关税收政策    13
(五)建立管理式医疗的健康保险模式    13
注    释    14
参考文献    14
致    谢    15
2009年 4月,《中央、 国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革意见》的出台意着新一轮医药卫生体制改革(即新医改)的正式揭幕。“新医改意见”提出到2011年,基本医疗保障制度要全面覆盖城乡居民,到2020年,覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗卫生制度基本建立,循序渐进,最终达到“全民医保”的战略目标。新医改意见中提出,我国的基本医疗保障体制是由四大支柱来支撑的:城镇职工医疗保险、 城镇居民医疗保险 、新型农村合作医疗制度和城乡医疗救助制度。这四大支柱都是由政府设立,但是仅靠公立的医疗保险构成医疗保障体系有着许多先天缺陷。为此 , “新医改意见”在第六条中特别提出:“积极发展商业健康保险”。可见 ,在我国走向全民医保的进程中 ,商业健康保险必将发挥其应有的作用。 新医改对健康保险的影响:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_46935.html