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时间:2017-03-23 19:28来源:毕业论文

    Empirical Study of Microblogging marketing in JiuDing   Decoration Co., Ltd.
Abstract:How to face the 21st century? We are more fortunate! We are  about to undergo a century twist ,which in  the agricultural era and the industrial age,decades, hundreds of years things did not happen.microblogging marketing
sudden emergence of the information age of the 21st century is about to brilliant
debu.Play an increasingly important role in the a modern commodity information transfer process.Brought a revolutionary material impact on the modern enterprise marketing."Stones from other hills may serve to polish jade".I will through a combination of Jiuding Decoration Co., Ltd's Microblogging marketing case and Microblogging marketing. Hopping the microblogging marketing Highlights can be found in the process.Summary microblogging marketing's process specific strategies and techniques.Hopping can find the best way of the enterprise microblogging marketing.I hope in the thesis writing,base on "To reduce the theoretical uncertainty" and "Maximum likelihood model".Explore the interaction between enterprise microblogging enterprise products, which the consumer concept can be brought revolutionary in the microblogging marketing era.
Keywords:Microblogging;Microblogging marketing;Marketing Strategy;Jiuding Decoration Co., Ltd;The Jiuding decorative microblogging
 目  录

一、绪论    1
      (一)研究背景    1
      (二)研究方法    3
      (三)研究理论    4
      (四)研究现状    5
        1、国外    5
        2、国内    5
      (五)研究意义    6
二、微博、微博营销和九鼎装饰股份有限公司    8
        1、概述    8
        2、定义    8
        3、特点    9
      (二)微博营销    9
        1、诞生    9
        2、定义    10
        3、特点    10
        4、模型    10
      (三)九鼎装饰股份有限公司微博现状    11 微博营销在装饰公司中的应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_4411.html