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时间:2019-12-16 21:21来源:毕业论文



College students and social workers involved in Internet Addiction

- A Case Study of University Y

Abstract: With the increasing popularity of mobile Internet, mobile Internet addiction has become a new trend of Internet Addiction. No lack of campus there are many "mobile phone overuse," and even in the way the students are in school class play phone. This study is to analyze in-depth interviews with the main mobile phone network now college students what types of addiction and the underlying reasons. In this paper, literature research, interviews, college students to learn about the mobile phone network Y university usage. Campus life is good and should not be immersed in playing through the phone, so by the campus Students use survey cellular networks, understand the use of the mobile phone network of college 

students, college students analyze the mobile phone network is addictive and causes through school intervention of Social work for the College students Internet addiction treatment.

Keywords: College students;Internet;Addiction school social workers


一、 绪论1

(一) 研究背景1

(二) 研究目的与意义1

二、 文献综述2

(一) 手机成瘾的定义及测量2 

(二) 网络成瘾的特点2

(三) 网络成瘾的症状与危害3

三、 现状和研究方法4

(一) 现状4

(二) 研究方法4

1、 文献资料法4

2、 访谈法5

(1) 访谈对象背景信息5

(2) 针对Y大学大学生的访谈提纲5

四、 Y大学的大学生手机上网成瘾的调查结果6

(一) 大学生日均手机上网时间及地点6

(二) 大学生手机上网成瘾种类6

(三) 性别对手机上网成瘾的差异6

五、 Y大学的大学生手机上网成瘾的调查结果分析7

(一) 大学生手机网络成瘾的原因7

1、 手机的因素7

(1) 手游的兴起7

(2) 手机交友聊天的方便性和及时性7

(3) 消费方便7

2、 大学生自身的因素8

(1) 从众心理的影响8 大学生手机网络成瘾与社工的介入:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_43461.html
