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时间:2019-12-04 21:47来源:毕业论文



Research on the Construction and Development of City Informatization in Shanghai

-- a Case Study on Smart City Construction of Xiaoi Robot

Abstract: With the acceleration of urbanization and informatization in the world and the theory of smart city proposed, the new concept of smart city have quickly become the world's strategic choice of city informatization, Chinese city government also followed closely and launched a variety of smart city construction planning, but there are still many problems in the process of construction.This paper base on the research of the existing city informatization and smart city evaluation index system,with the smart city construction practice of Shanghai, the paper took Xiaoi robot smart city construction plan as the breakthrough point and used hierarchical analysis method to construct a suitable evaluation index system of Shanghai informatization development, and through the collection of the relevant data about Shanghai city development to test the evaluation index system, and according to the evaluation results for the construction of smart city in Shanghai to provide some reference.

Key words: informatization; smart city; evaluation index system; analytic hierarchy process


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

(二)研究思路与方法 1

(三)研究的创新点 3

二、研究综述 4

(一)城市信息化发展研究 4

1.城市信息化的概念 4

2. 城市信息化的理论发展 4

(二)智慧城市建设研究 5

1. 智慧城市的概念 5

2. 智慧城市的技术体系 5

3. 智慧城市的应用领域 5

(三)信息化评价指标体系研究 6

(四)智慧城市评价指标体系研究 6

1. 智慧城市评价指标体系的指标维度 6

2. 智慧城市评价指标体系的不足 7

三、基于小i机器人的上海智慧城市建设要点研究 8

(一)案例描述 8

1. 小i机器人简介 8

2. 小i机器人的智慧城市建设方案 上海城镇信息化建设与发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_42752.html
