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时间:2019-11-22 21:39来源:毕业论文




Study on relationships’ current station and adaptation of citizens

          –– taking Qidong Jiangsu as an example


Since the 1990s, especially in the late 1990s,a lot of farmers choose to move into cities to improve their living standard. Moving into cities as the process and way of urbanization, not only means for the farmers from the village communities to urban communities, the space changes, changes in residential patterns, more importantly, for the daily life of residents for this geographical space restructuring, is bound to break the original village-like life trajectory, leading to changes in people's social distance, the final effect on interpersonal relationships.

This paper primarily describes the actuality of interpersonal relationships in the way of questionnaire survey and interviews. Choosing the tool of SPSS17.0 that is generally used in social science research amounting mathematical analysis. Combined with theoretical analysis of literature research, design questionnaire reasonably. I discovered that when people move into cities, their interpersonal relationships become more and more indifferent, people have high sense of community identity and can adapt the community well. According to research results, I will propose some constructive advice .

Key Words: settle down in cities  relationships  adaption


摘  要 1

Abstract 2

一  导言 4

(一)问题的提出及研究意义 4

(二)文献综述 5

(三)概念界定 6

二  研究方法 6

(一)研究对象 6

(二)研究方法 7

(三)样本的抽取与资料的收集处理 7

(四)幸福一村小区概况 7

三  调查结果分析 8

(一)样本基本情况 8

(二)进城定居人口人际关系变迁及适应 9

四  对策及建议 16

参考文献 17

附录 进城定居人口人际关系变迁及适应研究.............................18

一  导言



目前,城市化和经济发展水平日益提高,人们的居住方式也发生了天翻地覆的变化,商品住宅套间成为人们的首选居住方式。进城定居不仅优化了人们的居住环境,同时提升了城市的质量,更多的消费,大大增强了城市的活力。在感叹进城定居所带来的种种方便舒适的同时,人们也不得不承认其带来的难题。公共空间极度匮乏,人际关系日趋冷漠,传统的融洽交往模式受到冲击。很多居民在居住时间很长之后都不知道对门邻居是谁,彼此之间的关系只停留在泛泛之交的层面。淡漠的人际关系会阻碍城市社区的正常发展,影响其发挥自身功能。进城定居后,由于居住形态的改变,费孝通提出的基于“熟人社会”之上的农村社区会向人际关系冷漠化的城市社区过渡吗?农村居民在进城定居之后,对于新城市社区的认同感、满意度、适应情况又会出现怎样的状况?这是一个值得讨论的问题。 启东进城定居人口人际关系现状及适应研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_42184.html
