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时间:2019-09-17 20:44来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:城乡二元结构 征地补偿 土地发展权 确权登记
Abstract Urban and rural dual economic structure is caused by the coordinating system differences between rural and urban areas, is a sign of a country is still in development. China's urban and rural dual economic structure relative to the general developing countries seem to be more prominent, in our country not only exist between rural and urban economic level gap, more with social welfare and public service gap, income level, etc. In opening to the outside world under the situation of internal reform, although the connection between the urban and rural areas is increasingly close together, but as a result of planned economy lead to binary structure has not eased. Under the dual structure between urban and rural areas, the problem of land expropriation compensation is not just about social justice, and more about the development of the society as a whole.
Based on the research of dual structure, using comparative analysis, empirical analysis and institutional economics to explore problems of land expropriation compensation, combined with the situation of land acquisition compensation mode and system in jiangsu province were analyzed and Suggestions are put forward.
Keywords: urban and rural dual structure land compensation of land development rights Approval to register
目   录
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
1  城乡二元结构的现状及其存在的问题    4
1.1  中国现行城乡二元结构及其成因    4
1.2城乡二元经济结构对土地征收问题的影响    5
2 现行江苏土地征用制度存在的问题及原因分析    6
2.1 江苏土地征用制度介绍    6
2.2 存在问题    8
2.1.1 征地补偿标准不合理    8
2.1.2征地补偿方式比较单一    9
2.1.3未考虑未来的经济社会的发展,缺乏长远打算    9
2.1.4平均产值标准补偿法缺乏公平性,不利于社会和谐发展。    9
2.1.5集体土地所有权的价值并没有完全得到    10
2.3 原因分析    10
2.3.1城市扩张严重    11
2.3.2江苏省内不同地区需求不同    11
2.3.3对江苏省整体而言,土地利用结构合理性有待提高    11
3 解决江苏城乡二元结构下征地制度问题的对策建议    12
3.1户籍制度改革    12
3.1.1在江苏省内取消农业户口和非农业户口的区别    12
3.1.2简化农业人口转移为非农业人口的程序    12
3.1.3实行以工促农、以城带乡的格局    13
3.1.4对于考取江苏省内大学和专科的学生    13
3.2土地征收补偿标准    13
3.2.1严格界定公共利益的范围    14 在城乡二元结构下土地征收补偿的问题及建议:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_39410.html