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时间:2019-09-11 20:05来源:毕业论文

Pizhou rural residential land intensive utilization potential evaluation
Abstract:Based on rural residential land intensive utilization of thinking, by analyzing the economic and life indexes in pizhou, in turn, gives the necessity of land consolidation, and the corresponding proposals are given. Analyzed in the introduction to the significance and necessity of land consolidation of rural residential areas, the article first gave out for settlement estimation model of land consolidation, the restricted factors of land consolidation of rural residential areas; And focus on rural residential land use potential evaluation methods: single factor analysis, clustering analysis and comprehensive evaluation method. The feasibility analysis for the construction of evaluation index. Second half part of the index in the studied area has carried on the summary analysis. Through form, pizhou rural basic data of take in everything in a glance, the final conclusion pizhou rural residential land consolidation potential is tremendous, and is imminent.
Keywords: Rural residential land intensive; evaluation index; Pizhou City
绪论    4
国内外研究状况    4
1 农村居民点土地集约利用的制约因素    5
1.1 制度和政策因素    5
1.2 农民自身思想因素    5
1.3 规划设计因素    5
1.4 资金因素    5
1.5 市场调节机制    6
2 农村居民点土地集约节约利用评价方法    6
2.1 单因素分析法    6
2.2对比分析法    6
2.3 聚类分析法    6
2.4综合分析评价法    6
3 农村居民点整理潜力估算模型    7
3.1 理论潜力估算模型    7
3.2 现实潜力估算模型    7
4 评价指标体系的确定    7
4.1 指标体系的构建原则    7
4.2 指标体系的构建    8
4.3 评价指标权重的确定    8
4.4 评价指标标准化处理    9
5 邳州市概况    9
5.1邳州市乡镇农业生产及生活指标    9
5.2 数据分析    13
5.3 邳州市村庄建设模式分析    14
6 总结    15
参考文献    15
的十优尔届五中全会提出的社会主义新农村建设“二十字方针”,“生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主、生产发展”,“村容整洁”也是面向现代化的农村住宅集约建设所追求的目标。农村土地集约作为一个支点,在农民集约起来的城镇集中发展第二第三产业,不仅可以改善农民生活水平,提高社会主义生产力,而且还能完善农村基础设施建设;另外规模化的生产,尽可能的节省了资源。更多的土地被集中起来,解放了生产力,规模化的生产增加了名作物的产量,节省了农业开支,使更多的的农户向非农户转变,简介促进了工业及服务业的发展,为社会主义工业化助力。 邳州市农村居民点土地集约利用潜力评价:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_39164.html