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时间:2017-03-06 22:58来源:毕业论文

关键词: 土地征用;失地农民;养老保险;
China's landless peasants pension insurance
——Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, for example
Abstract:Recent years, with China's economic and social development, urbanization and accelerated process of industrialization, a lot of agricultural land has been taken, causing more and more farmers lose their land, known as the "landless peasants". After farmers lost their land, their income will be unstable,they have difficulty in getting their pension due to the problems of the current social security system and the land acquisition process, there is a big social risks  caused by landless peasants, and their economic benefits will be damaged,they also lack social security.Farmers makes a lot sacrifice in the country's industrialization process, they contribute a lot to the construction of the city, they getting old and sick,they should receive good social and life treatment as compensation. there are a variety of problems about landless farmers social insurance policies, so it’s urgent to build a more comprehensive pension insurance system for landless farmers.
Key words: land acquisition; landless peasants ;pension
目  录
一、引言    6
(一) 研究背景    6
(二) 研究意义    7
1、保障失地农民的利益,改变失地农民的生活    7
2、有利于国家城市化和工业化进程的健康发展    7
3、有利于我国构建“以人为本,全面协调可持续”的和谐社会    7
4、有利于农村经济的可持续发展    7
(三) 国内研究综述    8
二、我国失地农民养老保险的基本分析    9
(一)我国失地农民养老现状分析    9
1、失地农民的定义及养老保险的含义    9
2、我国失地农民养老现状    9
(二)我国建立失地农民养老保险路径选择的探索    10
1、建立失地农民的社会养老保险    10
2、建立与失地农民相关的商业养老保险    10
三、安徽省滁州市失地农民养老保险现状分析    11
(一)滁州市失地农民养老保障现状    11
1、滁州市失地农民概况    11
2、滁州市失地农民养老保障现状    12
(二)滁州市失地农民实地问卷调查    13
四、滁州市失地农民养老保险存在的问题    15
(一)现有社会保障体制不健全,不兼容农民利益    15
(二)一次性补偿安置费欠合理,失地农民再就业困难    15
(三)征地程序不完善,严重损害农民利益    16
1、未征得农民同意, 有关政府部门或企业擅自强行征地    16
2、征地补偿标准偏低、补偿费发放不及时    16 我国失地农民养老保险的研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_3848.html