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时间:2019-07-16 19:57来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着移动智能终端技术的飞速发展,手机媒体作为独立的广告载具,其重要性越来越不可忽视。作为一款手机应用软件,微信不仅改变了人们的沟通方式,还影响着企业的营销活动。微信作为一种新兴的传播工具在企业的营销活动中受到越来越多的关注,它为企业形象塑造、市场拓展、战略合作等营销活动创造出非凡的效果。但是现在微信营销仍处在起步探索阶段,在运用当中遇到诸多问题有待解决。这篇文章从微信营销的概念、特点入手,总结出当下主要的营销模式,分析探讨微信营销的现状,寻找其发展中出现的问题,对企业进行高效的微信营销活动提供可供参考的策略,旨在促进企业持续健康地发展。37059
The Problems and Countermeasures Exist in the WeChat Marketing of Enterprise
Abstract: With the rapid development of mobile intelligent terminal technology, mobile media as an independent advertising vehicles, its importance is more and more can not be ignored. As a mobile phone application software, WeChat not only changed the way people communicate, but also affect the enterprise's marketing activities. As a new communication tool, WeChat have got more and more attention in the enterprise marketing, and have created a special effect in shaping the corporate image, market expansion, strategic cooperation, and other marketing activities. While WeChat marketing is still in the initial stage of exploration now, many encountered problems have to be solved in use. This article starts with the concept and characteristics of the WeChat marketing, sums up the current main marketing mode, analysis on the status quo of WeChat marketing, find the problems in its development, and provide reference strategies for the enterprise to carry out efficient WeChat marketing activities, in order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the enterprise.
Key words: Enterprise; WeChat marketing; Marketing strategy; Analysis
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、企业微信营销概述    2
(一)微信与微信营销的概念    2
(二)微信营销模式    3
(三)微信营销的特点    4
二、企业微信营销的发展现状    5
(一)整体处于初级发展阶段    5
(二)体系正在完善    6
三、企业微信营销存在的问题    6
(一)微信营销具有封闭性    7
(二)真正的个性化推送还有待解决    7
(三)宣传缺乏主动性,与顾客互动生硬    7
(四)微信营销传播覆盖率不广泛    7
(五)网络安全存在隐患    7
(优尔)营销平台不够完善    8
四、企业微信营销的策略    8
(一)打造公众平台,注重信息的价值和频率    8
(二)加入搜索功能,达到精准营销    9
(三)注重互动,关注顾客的反馈    9
(四)与实体店同步营销    9
(五)加强网络监管,做好安全防范    10
(优尔)保证产品的质量,提高核心竞争力    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12
微博营销如火如荼,各品牌商又在抢占微信这一互联网营销热地。自微信诞生以来,用户如雨后春笋般涌现,到如今已有6亿之多。微信公众平台正式上线后,无疑掀起官方机构和各商家纷纷入驻的热潮,利用更多的途径向他们的粉丝推送各类讯息,其宣传效果不容小觑。作为当代一种新型网络营销模式,微信营销虽处于发展的初级阶段,但有着无限的潜力、旺盛的生命力和广阔的发展空间,它的出现给企业带来契机,成为企业拓宽产品销售渠道、提高知名度、宣传经营理念、管理客户关系、举办专题活动、实施危机公关、提升自身价值等的一个重要渠道。 企业微信营销存在的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_35733.html