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时间:2017-02-21 12:47来源:毕业论文

关键词: 学龄前儿童;沟通问题;心理健康状况;行为问题
Communication problems with pre-school children——Take Shanghai J kindergarten as an example
Abstract:   Along with the extensive attention to the kindergarten education by the modern society, mental health status of the preschoolers, their behaviors and other problems are concerned. In this paper, through the literature researches and the field survey to the J kindergarten, we find that the invalid communication of parents, teachers and pre-school children is the key factor leading to various issues of the pre-school children. Therefore, this paper attempts to investigate the reason for the existence of the issue of communication between the family parent-child communication, kindergarten teachers and pre-school children.
Eventually analyzed, only to solve the communication problems with pre-school children, adults can into the hearts of these children, and on the basis of mutual trust and respect, to help solve behavioral problems in preschool children and other psychological problems. In the implementation of the main process of from following aspects, one, parents and kindergarten teachers should reduce ineffective communication with preschoolers to avoid adverse outcomes performance. Second, parents and teachers should through good communication with preschoolers to correct their negative emotional and behavioral problems which has formed.
Key words: pre-school children, communication problems, mental health status, behavior problems.
目   录
一、绪论 …1
1、与学龄前儿童沟通问题的研究现状 …2
2、研究的发展趋势 …3
二、正文主体 …4
1、理论框架 … 4
2、研究方法 6
1、案例幼儿园概况介绍 6
2、案例幼儿园个案分析和访谈分析 …6
三、结论和建议 9
(一)结论 9
(二)建议 10
(一) 研究背景  
学龄前儿童与家长和幼儿园教师的接触机会是最多的。彼此之间的沟通也很频繁。作为家长,他们往往抱着“不能让孩子输在起跑线上”,“不能让孩子吃亏”等想法,强加自己的思想在儿童的身上,忽略儿童自己的真实想法,更有甚者给儿童灌输错误的思想。而作为老师,由于要一个人面对二三十个孩子,因此也做不到尽善尽美,顾及到每个孩子的需求。孩子们向成人表达自己的想法和需求是需要很大的勇气的,但是这样的沟通却得不到成人的有效的反馈,对其情绪和心理会造成损害。本文就是根据笔者所观察到的家长、教师与孩子的沟通状况,站在社会工作者的角度对其存在的沟通问题进行探究,寻找出合理有效的解决方案。 与学龄前儿童的沟通问题研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_3156.html